1. Putting lotion on your freshly shaven legs
2. Taking off your bra and putting on a comfy T-shirt
3. Climbing under your covers after a long day
4. Having clean sheets
5. Eating a freshly baked cookie from the oven
6. Walking out of a test you just nailed
7. Getting your braces off
8. Getting your nails done
9. Taking a hot shower
10. Getting a massage
11. Finally feeding your growling stomach
12. When you watch your two favorite TV show/movie characters end up together in the end
13. When your crush smiles at you
14. Eating peanut butter/Nutella straight out of the jar
15. When you get to sleep in
16. Putting on warm clothes from the dryer
17. When you make your crush laugh
18. Falling in love with a new song
19. When your favorite song comes on shuffle
20. Having the time to curl up and watch your favorite Netflix show
21. Getting a package in the mail
22. When your paycheck arrives
23. Wearing new underwear
24. Driving at night with the windows down listening to music
25. Sitting on a comfy couch covered in blankets
26. When your parents make you a home-cooked meal
27. When you win free stuff in a raffle
28. Landing after a long flight
29. Waking up from a good night’s sleep
30. Exiting out of browsers after a test
31. Checking off everything on your to-do list
32. Getting your hair done
33. Getting free food
34. Receiving a compliment
35. Giving a compliment
36. Having deep talks with friends
37. When the season premiere of your favorite TV show comes on again
38. Being right in an argument
39. Having someone play with your hair
40. Watching the sunrise/sunset
41. Feeling satisfied after a good workout
42. Drinking a cold glass of water when you are super thirsty
43. Finding the perfect outfit
44. Lying on the beach on a warm summer day
45. Spending time with your family
46. Using new makeup
47. Wearing new workout clothes
48. Doing yoga
49. Taking your contacts out
50. Cracking your back
51. When you get a new phone
52. Laughing so hard you cry
53. When you get new glasses
54. When you buy new clothes
55. Re-decorating your room
56. Eating your favorite food
57. Getting a snow day
58. Jumping into a pool on a hot summer day
59. Crunching on leaves in the fall
60. Receiving a bouquet of flowers
61. Catching up with old friends
62. Dancing with your friends
63. Getting free samples of food at supermarkets
64. Parking your car and finding out someone left extra time on the meter
65. Finding cash you had misplaced in the pocket of a jacket/purse
66. Finding money on the ground
67. When a movie/TV show makes you laugh
68. Eating freshly popped popcorn and watching a movie
69. Getting TSA precheck at the airport
70. Taking the first sip of your coffee in the morning
71. Running in the rain
72. Spotting a rainbow
73. Seeing a shooting star
74. When you find out the clothes you tried on at a store are on sale
75. When your favorite store has a huge sale
76. Trying a new food and loving it
77. Talking with someone and finding out you both are obsessed with the same TV show
78. Getting followed back on social media by that really attractive guy in your class
79. Getting an email that your class is cancelled
80. Eating a big spoonful of your favorite cereal
81. Spontaneously going on adventures with friends
82. Singing aloud to songs with your friends in the car
83. Spending time with family around the holidays
84. Hugging someone you haven’t seen in a long time
85. Making a random person yawn in a class
86. Hearing your favorite musician/band live in concert
87. Going on a bike ride on a warm summer day
88. Finding a super relatable meme and tagging your friends
89. Finding a good book
90. Walking out of your last final of the semester and being free
91. Nailing an interview
92. Getting a job/internship
93. Getting to pass on good news to your family/friends
94. Laughing at a hilarious story your friend tells you
95. Running into someone you know at a random place
96. Coming up with a great idea that people love
97. Getting treated out to dinner by your family
98. Feeling excited for something in the near future (vacations, birthday parties, fun events)
99. Surprising someone and making them really happy
100. When you can’t stop smiling