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5 Tips on How to Accomplish Your Semester Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Classes have started and it’s almost halfway through co-op season. Remember those goals you wrote down that first week? How are they going? 

Whether it was studying after every class to make that 4.0, losing 15 pounds, or maybe even learning a new language with your spare time during co-op, sometimes these goals are not as easy to accomplomish as they seem. We all know the pattern — it all goes smoothly at first, but then you gradually fall off track until you’re back where you started. Luckily, these tips will help keep you on track! 

Reading on a tablet with a mug of tea and a plate of donuts
To make all of these tips easy to understand, let’s use an example: Sara’s goal is to fit into a dress she recently bought by Christmas.

1. Create clear, DO-ABLE goals

The first step towards accomplishing any goal is actually knowing EXACTLY what you want to accomplish. It’s one thing for Sara to write in her journal that she needs to “lose a few pounds;” it’s another thing for her to write down “burn 20 pounds by December 15th”. It also helps to write these goals down somewhere you can see them often, like a board on your wall or the front page of your journal. This will provide a constant reminder of what you want to achieve. It’s also important to make sure your goal can actually be accomplished. Sara shouldn’t make a goal to lose 50 pounds in a month — by creating a goal that can’t be met, Sara would only be left demoralized. 

2. Determine how best you can accomplish your goals 

Now imagine Sara loves her carbs and can’t find a diet that sticks or can’t seem to get out of her room to go to the gym. Instead of continuing to try different diets, Sara should instead practice portion control. And if leaving the comfort of her blanket and fave Netflix show to go to the dreaded gym is an issue, it’s best for Sara to make a mental note to workout right after classes, that way she’s already out and about (also lying in bed and watching that Netflix show will feel a lot better after 30 minutes on the treadmill). It’s important to choose a method that fits best into your lifestyle, which will make it easier to follow.

3. Now that you have a plan, make sure it sticks! 

Routine should be your best friend. Once you make an activity that’s good for you a habit and you start seeing the results, you might even almost start to feel like your day isn’t complete without working towards your goal. What’s better than feeling like your day isn’t complete without a workout sesh lol!

In order to make sure you don’t fall off your routine, make sure your plan is feasible and works with your schedule. If possible, allocate a specific time for the activity. For example, Sara could decide to stop by Marino four times a week right after her last class and before her portion-controlled dinner.

4. Constantly evaluate your progress

Now that Sara has a set routine and a plan for accomplishing her goal, she needs to regularly check to see if it’s working for her and giving her the right results. Does she need to increase her workout intensity? What’s the scale saying? Has she been cheating with her portions? There needs to be room for evaluation in order to make alterations to make sure you’re on track.

5. Final results and comparison

It’s Christmas and Sara’s fits, YAY! Now Sara needs to compare her outcome with where she started. She lost 14 pounds, which was not bad, but what can she change about her routine come the spring semester to lose the extra pounds from the holiday cookies? And the cycle continues!….

Nia Beckett

Northeastern '22

Nia is a second-year journalism major with a global fashion studies minor at Northeastern University. She loves Carrie Bradshaw, YouTube, and chai tea lattes. Follow her on Instagram @niashalise_.