Name: Adam Gerger
Age: 19
Major: International Business
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Hobbies: skiing, tennis, reading, and rock-climbing
Favorite foods: mango, blackberries
5 things I can’t live without: snowy mountaintops, my friends, good conversation, family dinner, and long walks on the beach
Where I see myself in 5 years: Working for a large bank as a wealth manager
Favorite weekend activities: picnics, going to theater performances, skiing,
Biggest fear: “ClichĂ©…but my biggest fear is fear itself.”
Favorite music: Classical music- Vivaldi’s Second Violin Concerto
Favorite place I’ve traveled to: Austria
Ideal date: “Going to the top of a mountain, just the two of us, for a secluded candlelit dinner.  We would be sitting on a blanket looking over the Austrian Alps.”
Favorite pick-up line: “If I could rearrange the alphabet, U and I would be together.”
Happiest memory: “Coming back to Houston for the first time since going to college and seeing my three other best friends.”
Proudest moment: After hiking up the tallest mountain in Austria. Hiking up with a group of friends, only two of us finished the entire hike. It was awe-inspiring. Â Â
What’s the first thing you notice about girls: The first thing I notice is the color of their eyes.
Favorite article of clothing: Cardigan sweater
Favorite place to Travel: My favorite place to travel is probably Berlin. Besides the history, the art, and the nightlife, Berlin has one of the best opera houses in the world. Â Berlin is full of culture and great food.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.