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Bittersweet Memories: The Nostalgia That Comes with Adulthood

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Iā€™m officially a junior at Northeastern University, and thatā€™s incredibly hard to accept. The fact that Iā€™m an upperclassman just seems wrong. The fact that Iā€™m 20-years-old does not sit right with me. I still feel as though Iā€™m 16 and that Iā€™m not actually in college, but rather attending an extended version of high school. When I was actually a teenager, I would feel nostalgic about my childhood, however, the feeling would be infrequent and somewhat superficial. I would come across something I used to enjoy doing as a kid and reflect to myself: Oh I remember that or Oh, I used to love doing that. The nostalgia would warm my heart as I would happily reminisce about those days.Ā 

Now, I get hit with feelings of nostalgia extremely frequently. Theyā€™re profound and intense, and leave me mournful of those times. It prompts me to reflect on my life and where I am at the moment. The internet is filled with reminders about my childhood that I canā€™t seem to avoid. From TikToks about childhood toys to Spotify playlists entitled ā€˜2010s nostalgia songs,ā€™ there seems to be constant input of nostalgia coming at me from all different directions. I canā€™t help but expose myself to it no matter how much it hurts and no matter how much I want to go back to being a kid.Ā 

Why did I want to grow up so badly? I recall being a kid in elementary school going to the mall with my parents, seeing teenage girls on huge shopping sprees and thinking, ā€˜I canā€™t wait to grow up and be like them!ā€™ I would watch shows like, ā€œiCarly,ā€ or, ā€œVictorious,ā€ and think, ā€˜I canā€™t wait to get a boyfriend and have my license and have freedom to do what I want!ā€™ To be brutally honest, when I was a kid, I really didnā€™t want to be one. I wanted to be taken seriously. I wanted my own responsibilities. I wanted to do my own thing. I wanted to grow up.Ā 

Once I got to high school, I would sometimes wish to be a little kid again, however, it wasnā€™t a deep-rooted feeling. Because when I was a teenager, I still considered myself a kid. An older kid, but still a kid. Yes, I did have more responsibilities and more freedom than when I was in elementary school. However, I was still able to do ā€˜dumb teenager stuff.ā€™Ā  I was still able to fool around and get away with being immature because I was still a kid. When youā€™re a kid, youā€™re expected to be immature at times. Although I enjoyed high school, I was so incredibly excited to go to college and finally be grown up. I couldnā€™t wait to turn 18, which would equate to being an adult. I couldnā€™t wait to be on my own for college and finally have freedom away from home and from my parents.

Now, halfway done with college, I so desperately want to be a little kid again. Am I happy right now? Yes, very much so. Iā€™m so proud of myself for getting this far in life and for being at the place Iā€™m at. Do I just want to live one more day as a kid in the 2010s? More than anything. I want to wake up for school and wait for my bus at the bus stop on a chilly morning. I want to have recess with my friends and run to see who gets to the swings first. I want to be able to be small enough to be carried on my dadā€™s shoulders. I want to watch ā€œBill Nye The Science Guyā€ in class and sing along to the theme song. I want to experience Christmas with my cousins when we used to be so close I considered them my siblings. I want to have a sleepover with my friends and talk about our middle school crushes while we canā€™t stop giggling. I want to be a kid again.Ā 

It hurts to know that I will only get older from this point on. I will never be a kid again. I will never have that stress-free life where my only responsibilities were to make sure I finished my multiplication tables and fed our cats dinner. Now I have to think about where Iā€™m in the world. What do I want to be? Who do I want to be? I have to worry about school, relationships, friendships, income, housing, food, etc. All the while, I have to fit in my own sanity, happiness and health. If I had known the amount and weight of my responsibilities as well as the persistent longing of being younger, I would never have wished to grow up.Ā 

I know that Iā€™m 20-years-old, and Iā€™m certainly not old by any means. Honestly, most older people would argue that when youā€™re 20, you are still just a kid. Youā€™re slowly stepping into adulthood while still harboring some hints of immaturity and foolery along the way. Youā€™re still trying to understand where you are in the world, and what your purpose is. Iā€™m aware it sounds a little silly that Iā€™m yearning to be young while simultaneously being 20-years-old. My point here is that thereā€™s a difference in youthfulness when youā€™re 10 versus youthfulness when youā€™re 20. When youā€™re 10, you have no worries in the world. Youā€™re carefree and zestful, yet youā€™re yearning for that freedom and excitement that comes with being older. It’s so interesting to me that now what Iā€™m longing for is the exact opposite.Ā 

Going about my day to day life,Ā I canā€™t help but get hit with waves of nostalgia at certain moments. When this happens, I often ask myself, Why did I want to grow up so badly? Yes, the fact that my childhood is over is sad, and at times, heartbreaking. Despite this, I want to make sure that I live my life to the fullest every day. I think a strategy to stop desperately yearning for the past is to instead live my life exuberantly. So I end up anticipating what the future holds and not longing for the life Iā€™ve already lived.Ā 

Grace Ulferts

Northeastern '26

Hello! I'm Grace I am a fourth-year Behavioral Neuroscience and Philosophy major. I'm originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota. This is my seventh semester of being a part of HerCampus, and I absolutely love it! I love to write, and HerCampus is such a warm and welcoming community! :)