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Everything You Need to Know to Beat Those Winter Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

If you’re like me and you’re from a warm place, you’re most likely having a difficult time getting used to the cold weather. Personally, I’ve never lived in a snowy climate, and although I can appreciate the change of scenery, I’m literally freezing my butt off.  

While the cold weather comes with perks like having the ability to wear cute sweaters, drink hot chocolate and snuggle with blankets, there are also drawbacks to the cold. One of the main downsides to cold weather is that it has the capability to bring people down emotionally. This phenomenon, known as the winter blues, can put people in a bad mood. For some people, this perpetual bad mood can manifest itself as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). SAD is not something to take lightly, as it can have a detrimental effect on a person’s happiness and well-being.  

If you’re feeling down this winter, and you lack motivation, here are a few ideas for keeping morale high and staying optimistic during these chilly few months.

  • Take vitamin D supplements
  • Eat lots of of fruits and veggies
  • Get a light therapy lamp
  • Spend time outside despite the cold
  • Keep a routine

Hang in there and remember spring is just around the corner!

Ilana Hirschfeld

Northeastern '22

Ilana Hirschfeld is a first-year student at Northeastern University, majoring in Environmental Studies and Political Studies. Originally from San Diego, California, she's excited to be starting a new chapter of her life in Boston!