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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Her Campus Nationals held the 2nd annual Her Conference High School this Saturday in the Curry Student Activity Center at Northeastern and it was awesome! Hundreds of high school students came to listen to current college students talk about their experiences in college so far, from picking the right school to rushing and even knowing what to pack. I spoke at panels about campus safety, acing freshman year, and participating in extracurricular activities.

Pinkberry provided a delicious breakfast of Greek yogurt and toppings.

One lucky attendee won all of these wonderful decorations from Dormify!


We had great turnouts for all the panels; my fellow panelists were engaging and informative and the students had lots of great questions. My personal favorite was the college safety panel, where me and two other college students were joined by Officer Farrell of the Northeastern Police Department and Gershon Ben Keren, a personal security expert. I was glad we got the chance to inform students about all the possible resources for staying safe on campus and have a conservation about the changing sexual assault culture on college campuses.


The fellow panelists and I received many great questions from the high school students about our experiences and a lot of thanks for being there. I feel like we really helped prospective students learn what they can expect from college and I highly recommend this event for any high school student who is thinking about or starting to apply to college. Plus, the adorable free bags and goodies we got from Her Campus made the whole day extremely worth the trek out into the cold. Between the awesome panels, free swag, and all the Chipotle you could ever hope for, it was a fantastic event!

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Lindsay Marum


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Morgan Weadock


Morgan is currently a third year at Northeastern University in Boston working towards a degree in Finance and a dual minor in Economics and Political Science. She is the co-president and Campus Correspondent for the Northeastern Her Campus Chapter and also involved with Alpha Kappa Psi and Streak Media. Morgan is originally from NJ and despite popular sentiment believes it to be the best state in the country. Her interests include cooking things that don't look as pretty as they did on Pinterest, reading while drinking tea, going to the beach, fitness and nutrition, and Netflix binging (: