I’m sure you have all heard the expression “less is more.” But what if I told you that when it comes to shopping, more could mean less?
If you are anything like me, you often fall victim to tempting shopping calls from the Prudential Center or Downtown Crossing. Waking up late on a Saturday morning, there seems no better way to get your blood flowing than by taking an afternoon shopping trip with the girls. However, a few debit card swipes later, you have spent way too much money and find yourself swearing you will never buy anything again. But you do. The next weekend. Let’s just say, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment.
My solution? Shop more! That’s right. Keep taking those weekend shopping trips. In fact, take more! I have found that the more times we see things, the more our minds become desensitized to them. So, if we shop more, our minds become desensitized to the glitz and glamour of the beautiful clothes and accessories. A few weeks ago, my friends and I went through a phase where weekends literally meant one thing to us: shopping! We would spend our days running in and out of stores, throwing out our hard-earned cash. However, with each venture out into the retail world, I started to make an interesting realization. The clothes were not as exciting to me anymore, and I noticed that as the shopping trips progressed, it was easier for me to spend I less money. When I shopped more often, I realized how similar everything began to look, and how often deals actually came along. It became easier to bypass the cute lacy tank, because I had seen almost the exact same one three times the day before. From my experience, the worst thing you can do to your wallet is depriving yourself of shopping. The only thing that will lead to is shopping binges, and in the end, you will most likely spend even more money.
An important thing to remember is that shopping trips do not have to be an all day event. While you should never shop in a rush, because that can lead to reckless, irresponsible purchases, there is no need to dedicate an entire day to a shopping extravaganza. Simply spend one or two hours hitting up your favorite stores, checking on the latest deals.
However, if you do take shorter, more frequent shopping trips, it’s necessary to maximize your shopping time. Avoid the dressing rooms by wearing a shopping friendly outfit. The best shopping outfit is leggings, a tank top with a loosely fitting cardigan, and a pair of cute flats. Finish it off with a medium sized shoulder bag to hold miscellaneous items and smaller purchases. This practical, comfortable outfit allows you to try clothing on without waiting in fitting room lines, while still looking stylish. It is guaranteed to cut down your shopping time.
It’s also important to be aware when the new seasons of clothing come out. If you make a point of shopping on a weekly basis, these changes will be more obvious, and you will notice when the spring line begins to replace the winter line. You can avoid making impulsive, trendy purchases like most other women seeing the new clothes for the first time. Instead, you can keep an eye on the things you like and wait for markdowns, instead of falling into the trap of paying full price for the brand new merchandise.
There is no need to overspend every time you shop. Just follow my advice and simply shop more!