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Pretty Little Liars: The Most Confusing Show on Television? (Spoiler Alert!)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.


Ever since ABC decided to adapt the Pretty Little Liars book series by Sara Shepard into a TV series a few years ago, fans all over the globe have followed the Liars’ every move and speculated who on earth the ever-elusive “A” is; in fact, the show broke all kinds of Twitter records because of how many people were watching. Several days ago in the season 2 finale, we finally found out who A is… or did we?

(For those of you not familiar with the show, the anonymous A stalks, harasses, and bullies the four main characters, Aria, Hannah, Spencer, and Emily, starting a year after their old friend Alison’s body was found buried in the town’s woods.)

The season ended at a school-sponsored masquerade ball, and several sketchy characters who could be A were spotted.  Jenna–who is even creepier now that she can see again–followed the girls around the ball, and Lucas was definitely in the background of several shots.  Then, just as viewers began to doubt that A would appear, a woman wearing a red jacket and gold mask appeared suspiciously in the background.

But was that person A?  No.  Well…maybe.

It turns out that Mona (who managed to drive off alone with Spencer to visit Pennsylvania’s creepiest roadside motel) was A.  Mona threatened to shoot Spencer if she didn’t join forces with “Team A.”

Unfortunately for Mona, Spencer used her phone to secretly expose Mona to the other girls.

Long story short, after a lot of winding back roads, erratic driving, and an emotional fight, Mona fell off a small ledge.  She survived, but she was committed to a mental health facility.

So that’s it!  The PLLs are free from A!  …Except they’re not.  The season ended having answered its fans’ biggest question, but we have even more questions now!

  • Who visited Mona at the end of the episode?  Was it one of her accomplices on Team A?
  • Melissa HAS to be involved somehow, right?  I mean how else would Mona have gotten the gun stolen from Spencer’s father’s desk?
  • What is Lucas doing back in town?  Even more confusing, what is Dr. Sullivan doing back?  How did she know when to come back?  Could she have helped Mona in some way?
  • Why oh why did Toby say that pretending not to love Spencer was the hardest thing he ever had to do??? How did he know to PRETEND to not love her unless he knew that A threatened Spencer?  I’m a little suspicious of him right now…
  • And finally, who was in the body bag?!  Do you really think that it was Maya?  Who had the motive to kill her? (And who knew where she was? …even Emily didn’t know.)

I cannot wait to find out what happens next to the girls…and to Mona!  Season 3 is being shot now and will start airing this summer, so prepare yourselves, Collegiettes™: this is going to be one wild ride.


I'm a 20 something journalism major at Northeastern University and Campus Correspondent for HerCampus NU. When I'm not writing, I'm working in public relations and am the PR and Promotions Director for WRBB Radio 104.9FM Northeastern's Radio Station and the Public Relations Director for my sorority.