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The Struggles of Being Impatient

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

The struggle of having chronic impatience is real, especially in a city like Boston. As someone who is always in a hurry even when I’m not running late, I find there’s nothing more excruciatingly painful than running into any of the following scenarios:

When you’re stuck behind people who don’t know the art of fast walking

Having to wait for food you ordered thirty minutes ago

Watching the T drive away two seconds after you get to the station and having to wait twenty minutes for another one

Waiting to get your grade back on that English paper even though you just turned it in yesterday

When you’ve been ready to go out for about an hour and your friends are still in sweatpants

And your friends don’t understand the problem with taking an hour to get dressed, and think they have all the time in the world

Getting stuck behind a car that refuses to drive faster than 15 miles an hour

Or getting stuck behind drivers who don’t know green means go

Or just hating every driver you end up behind

And even when you catch your train, are first in a long lunch line, and are generally on time, you’ll still be in a rush to get to the next place you have to go

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Lindsay Marum


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Morgan Weadock


Morgan is currently a third year at Northeastern University in Boston working towards a degree in Finance and a dual minor in Economics and Political Science. She is the co-president and Campus Correspondent for the Northeastern Her Campus Chapter and also involved with Alpha Kappa Psi and Streak Media. Morgan is originally from NJ and despite popular sentiment believes it to be the best state in the country. Her interests include cooking things that don't look as pretty as they did on Pinterest, reading while drinking tea, going to the beach, fitness and nutrition, and Netflix binging (: