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What Your D-hall Tendencies Say About You!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

I view the dining hall as more than just a place to nourish yourself but also as a social event. It’s a time to relax in between your busy schedule and catch up with your friends or maybe meet new ones. My friend and I were doing just that when I noticed how differently we utilized our meal swipe. That’s when I realized how you eat in the dining hall isn’t just about food… it says something about your personality.  These are the three dining hall personalities I have observed.

1.     The Sampler:

-Who this is: This person sees the potential in a single swipe and they want to take advantage of it. They will grab everything they think looks good…sometimes 3 or 4 plates (maybe even 5 on a good day). But they rarely even eat half of it. Usually they just take bites of everything and only finish the food they know will taste good (like the classic PB&J).

-What is says about your personality: This person is adventurous but not without planning. They like to try new things but still want to have their backup plan in case something goes wrong. This person is also very opportunistic and likes to keep their options open, but sometimes they have to realize that they can’t have it all despite their plans. Overall, they are schemers because even though they may not finish the whole meal they don’t have to get up as much as the Jumper.



2.     The Jumper:

-Who this is : Like the sampler this person also wants makes the most of their swipe… but sometimes begrudgingly. Nothing seems to satisfy them and they are always jumping out of their seat for more (quite annoying when you’re trying to hold a conversation). Maybe they don’t like what they keep getting? Maybe they don’t know what they want? Mostly they are just still hungry. The advantage of having this kind of friend is they will always grab that extra cookie for you next time they get up!

-What this says about your personality:  This person is impulsive, they get these ideas about what they want and quickly change their mind. This can help and hurt the person. They’re the kind of person who isn’t afraid of making mistakes and will keep trying. They are an idealistic person, which shows creativity, but also they tend to get their hopes up about an idea only for it to not meet their expectations. Okay, so they are a little unpredictable… especially compared to the Single-Taker

3.     The Single-Taker

-Who this is: This is the person whose tray looks the most organized. It has the salad, the main dish, the desert and the beverage. They have their full meal ready to go and complete with all the required nutrition but the combinations are usually the same each day. You can count on the fact that this person will probably have one of their 3 meals that they always get which might not be the most adventurous but they will always finish the tray.

-What this says about your personality: This person has a real value in simplicity. They know exactly what they want and will rarely diverge from that. Some people would say this person has a one-track mind, but they can also be seen as go-getters. These are the people who have had their life planned out since high school. They like routine and sometimes they have a tendency to settle for what’s easy instead of trying something new. However, out of the 3 they are definitely the most comfortable livers.

We all know a sampler, a jumper, and a single-taker. Sometimes their dining habits may perplex you but we love them anyways for bringing something different to the table (pun intended). Next time you’re socializing at the dining hall, look at your own tray and decide which dining hall personality you are!

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Stephanie Cohn


Stephanie is a Sophomore Journalism major at Northeastern University and has been with her campus for about a year now. She spent her first semester abroad in Costa Rica where she discovered her passion for writing through weekly blog assignments. Stephanie is now in the process of pursuing a minor in Latin American studies and hopes that someday to cover the region. Currently she is the Hub Health intern for Boston Magazine and the promotions chair for Hercampus Northeastern. Outside of HerCampus she enjoys healthy baking, yoga, creative writing, and spending time with her Sigma Kappa sorority sisters. 
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Melanie Dostis


Melanie Dostis is a journalism major at Northeastern University. She has been involved with Her Campus since her sophomore year, being elected co-correspondent her junior year- a position she is thrilled to continue in her last year. She lives a writing-filled life and wouldn't have it any other way. She is currently interning at Boston Magazine and is a correspondent for the Boston Globe and USA Today. She can usually be found back in her home-roots of wonderful New York on weekends, exploring her second home in Boston, or often back in her family roots of Ecuador, gorging on massive amounts of Hispanic dishes....Follow her on Twitter @MelDostis. HCXO!