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Culture > Digital

Why Staying Up to Date with Pop-Culture Can Be Hard

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northeastern chapter.

Haven’t heard of Alix Earle? How about Emma MacDonald? Don’t know what’s going on with the Kardashians? Feeling overwhelmed by the fast-paced changes in pop culture? You’re not alone. I am always finding myself nodding along in conversations about the latest pop culture news. Whenever I encounter these situations, I am usually surprised because I like to think of myself as an avid social media user. Although I will say I am stuck on 2016 YouTube more than I would like to admit (ex. Alisha Marie), I regularly scroll on TikTok and Instagram, listen to trendy podcasts and watch new TV shows and movies. However, I am never caught up with pop culture. 

Personally, my queue of content never gets any shorter. With countless influencers, celebrities and content creators, it’s easy to get lost. The excessive amount of social media noise creates a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out) for me and makes me want to absorb all the content, but inevitably, other tasks always get in the way. Consumers of pop culture can feel like they’re always chasing, but never catching up. I wonder if this aspect is part of the appeal of pop culture and if our generation would even be so keen on watching, reading and hearing about the latest trends if it did not have a sense of exclusivity and elusiveness. 

Pop culture encompasses music, movies, fashion, sports, politics and much more. Keeping up with all these facets requires a level of dedication and time that few can afford. Personal interests also play a crucial role; you may be deeply engaged in one area like music but less so in others. Algorithmic bubbles also add to this as content bubbles can exclude wider cultural trends. For me, I absorb a lot of content about Taylor Swift. However, I never know who Pete Davidson is dating or which celebrities started a new makeup brand. I am almost jealous of people who have sworn off social media because at least they have an excuse. 

As much as I love absorbing all the content, I often have to prioritize my own interests, social life and regular daily tasks first. Nevertheless, I always look forward to scrolling on my phone and taking in as much content as my schedule can allow for. I think there is a lot of pressure on teenagers to know the latest trends, but this becomes next to impossible with the ever-growing number of social media platforms and sources. I try to remember that it is not a failure or weakness on my part if I am not always up-to-date. 

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Anika Mayar

Northeastern '26

Anika is a second year at Northeastern studying Public Health and Data Science! She loves traveling, trying new foods, and tennis. She is an avid coffee drinker and you'll often find her listening to Taylor Swift.