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Bro Blogger Mike With Holiday Gifts For Every Type Of Boy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

Happy Holidays Ladies,

            I love the Christmas season.  Without a doubt, this is by far my favorite time of the year and I hope that the fine readers of Her Campus get as excited about this wonderful holiday as I do.  For it is during Christmas-time that we see the two most beautiful images known to man: the streets of New York City and Chicago adorned with holiday décor and the Deal or No Deal briefcase girls dressed in slutty Santa outfits.  Yet I’ve been told that the holiday season can be stressful for ladies who don’t know what to get their boys for the holidays.  Well have no fear, this is the Bro Blog comes in to tell you what your boy toy really wants for the holidays.

·         For a guy friend: You don’t have to think romantic here so simply make him happy by getting him what he really wants.  An article of clothing such as a hat featuring his favorite pro sports team will make him happy and he’ll likely be too cheap to buy it himself making it an excellent holiday gift.  If you’re really stumped, a small gift card to his favorite fast-food joint will make him ecstatic is possibly the least sexy thing ever so it won’t suggest anything you don’t want suggested.

·         For a guy friend that you want to turn into something more: Burn a CD that only has Marvin Gaye’s, “Let’s Get it On.”  Optional: Also buy a bottle of wine.   If you’re not feeling that bold, maybe just take him to dinner, it’ll be a curveball that may get things started.
·         For a friend with benefits/hook-up:  Technically, no obligation here as I’m sure he is happy with what he has already but if you feel you must, get him gloves or slippers.  Every guy could use either of these items

·         For a new boyfriend: Do the cute girlfriend thing.  Two tickets to a movie or concert or something.  He’ll then have to buy you a dinner and you’ll get a cool date night out of it
·         For a steady boyfriend:  Write a nice note to him; If your boyfriend isn’t a d-bag, he’ll appreciate that.  After that, your judgment is better than mine, you know what he wants or needs so don’t second guess yourself and go out and buy it. 

As you are probably aware, we suck at holiday gift giving much more than girls do and we’re easy to please so have confidence that your gift will be awesome.  As a side note to any gentlemen that may find themselves reading this, chivalry is still alive on the Bro Blog so don’t be cheap and go out and buy those significant females in your life something that isn’t 75% off lingerie.  Always remember: the holiday season should be magical, not stressful.  If you ever find yourself forgetting, just take a walk down Michigan Ave or look at briefcase girl #22 dressed as Santa’s naughty elf.   

All my Christmas cheer,


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Casey Geraldo


Casey Geraldo is a junior at Northwestern University. She is journalism major, with a broadcast concentration, and a history minor.Casey coaches gymnastics, and in her spare time, she is usually babysitting, watching TV, eating candy and ice cream or spending time with the people she loves.Follow Casey on Twitter! @caseygeraldo