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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

When is the Right Time for Tea?

Obviously, the answer to this question is always. There is ALWAYS a right time for tea. However, there are certain situations when different types of tea will benefit you more than others.

When you wake up

You are better than that basic cup of Starbucks coffee. Instead try a caffeinated tea in the morning. Teas such as white, green and oolong all contain moderate to high amount of caffeine.  One cup of black tea has around 47mg of caffeine: just enough to jump-start your day without having that coffee high.

Before a big exam

Drink a large mug of chamomile tea– well maybe not too large of a mug. Chamomile tea has a calming and sedative effect on the body. If your mind is racing, turn to chamomile tea, and it will definitely give you an A on that next exam (or at least make your hands less shaky).

When you need a trashcan ASAP

Quick! Before you vomit, brew a cup of ginger tea! Ginger is used to relieve nausea or the feeling of an upset stomach. Ginger secretes digestive juices that help neutralize stomach acid, and hopefully neutralize your need for that trash bag.

When you shouldn’t have eaten that whole cup of Andy’s

Ice cream is always worth it, but you may feel a bit bloated after those 20oz of frozen custard. Don’t fret. Grab a cup of peppermint tea, and watch your bloat drift away. Peppermint tea reduces abdominal gas and bloating, and helps relieve muscle spasms. Next time you go to Andy’s, just bring a cup of peppermint tea with you.

Pre or Post Workout

Don’t head to the gym on an empty stomach. Instead brew a cup of green tea before you hit the treadmill. A 2009 study in the Journal of Nutrition found that those who consumed green tea lost more weight than those who consumed other caffeinated drinks. And if losing weight is not a concern, green tea has high levels of antioxidants! Drinking caffeinated tea after a workout can also help speed up your metabolism, leading to an increase in calories burned throughout the rest of your day.


Can’t fall asleep, mind racing, exams approaching? Make a cup of valerian, lavender or chamomile tea. All these teas have calming affects on the body. It can be hard to fall asleep when you have four midterms and 200 pages of reading, but drinking these teas will make it more manageable.