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The Lowdown With Liv: Pretty Little Liars Halloween Episode

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

This Tuesday blessed us with the long-awaited Halloween special of Pretty Little Liars. The summer finale left us heartbroken when Toby was revealed as part of the “A” team, and fans everywhere anxiously awaited the return of their favorite dramatic fashionistas and their often double-dealing boy toys.

The Halloween party proved a perfect excuse for producers to reintroduce characters, their entrances from the fog serving as a refresher for viewers as to who’s still an important player and which couples are still together. And of course, for Toby to make sneaky faces behind Spencer’s back while we all question his allegiance.

Once aboard the “A” train, Adam Lambert was a surprising but fitting guest star, his standard uniform of eyeliner and gothic clothing making him a perfect candidate for the Halloween episode. And the dancing in the scene left us wishing that real dances looked like they did in the movies rather than the orgy that occurs on most teenage dance floors.

The rest of the episode played out as expected; masked and devoted Caleb surprised Hanna as her date, a “pretty little liar” came out unscathed after a near-death experience, and an accessory character was killed off after revealing too much. And once again, questions were left unanswered, like Garrett’s costume being identical to that of “A” that fateful Halloween.

Perhaps the most chilling and unexpected part of this special was the young girl with a striking resemblance to Alison who appeared to Ms. Marin. Her stories about a frightening twin sister, her freezing skin, and her mysterious disappearance left me with serious goose bumps but excited about the possibility of Alison’s twin coming into play in the near future.

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Olivia Bahou


Liv is a junior majoring in journalism at Northwestern University who hopes to pursue a career in magazine writing. Her interest include fashion, Pure Barre, Chai tea lattes, professional tennis and anything related to Italy, where she studied abroad. She loves being the CC for Her Campus Northwestern and looks forward to what the future has in store!
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Casey Geraldo


Casey Geraldo is a junior at Northwestern University. She is journalism major, with a broadcast concentration, and a history minor.Casey coaches gymnastics, and in her spare time, she is usually babysitting, watching TV, eating candy and ice cream or spending time with the people she loves.Follow Casey on Twitter! @caseygeraldo