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Weighing in with Elizabeth: I am Oprah

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Northwestern chapter.

Hey y’all!
So. I’m just getting right to the point. I have gained about 10 pounds since my lowest weight a few months ago. It didn’t come all at once; it came pound by pound after weekends on a “break,” special occasions, weekend nights gone awry… etc, etc, etc. But now I’m ready to deal with it.
I know, I’ve said this before. I’ve preached the “back-on-track” thing. But for serious guys, I’m ready now. I’ve admitted it, I’ve stepped on the scale, and now I’m saying it to you.
I was watching Oprah at the gym the other day (yeah, I was. Wanna say something about it?) and she was recapping her most successful weight-loss guests. She also showed footage of her over the years, gaining and losing the same 20 pounds again and again. Well folks, that’s me. And I have a feeling it’s going to be me for the next… forever. And it’s okay with me.

Oprah showing off her 67lb. weight loss on national TV.

On this campus, no matter who you are, you’re going to have rough times. Rough times is the theme of sophomore year, in my opinion. So you have rough times, maybe you eat too much at the dining hall cause you don’t want to go back to your room and do work. Or maybe you snack for three hours while you “write” your paper. Whatever it is, it’s so easy to overeat and under-exercise when things are going wrong, or even when they’re just going too fast for you to keep up with.
So, what do we do? We wake up in the morning, decide to have a good day, sweat a bit and eat a piece of fruit. You have to do the best you can, every day. I know it’s daunting when Northwestern is sapping all you’ve got from you, but I know I can do it, so I know you can do it.
Feel-Good Tip of the Week:
Let it all out. Writing all of this down reaffirms my desire to get back on track. It can be kind of scary, but sometimes you need to let others in on your goals in order to feel accountable and really want to accomplish them. Also, the whole laughter-burns-calories thing… it’s not a perfect method but it sure as hell can’t hurt.