Okay, I’m not condoning this kind of behavior, but we all do it. We procrastinate take breaks from studying for finals. It makes sense: After an entire semester of piles and piles of homework, stressing over exams and papers and pulling crazy all-nighters, everything comes to a peak; we are exhausted, we are stressed beyond comprehension, and on top of everything we’re expected to take a giant test to prove that we actually learned something. So, after cramming our brains with all the knowledge we had been losing like breadcrumbs over the course of the semester, it’s understandable why our brains would be a little fried.
That’s why, when you’re sick of reading your lecture notes over and over and just want to burn all your textbooks (but can’t because they’re rented), you turn to other things to relax and get your mind off of schoolwork. So, here are some great things to do when you’re not studying for finals.
1. Go Outside
It’s actually warm out—finally! Enjoy it. I suggest a quick trip to ABP for some great picnic food, and then sit out on the quad and enjoy the weather. Maybe you could even make friends with some squirrels.
2. Read for Pleasure
As ridiculously busy college students, we barely have time to read a good book on our own time simply because we want to. In between slamming your textbooks against the wall from sheer frustration, pick up a novel you actually like and just relax. I also might recommend you combine this with number one so you can also enjoy the weather.
3. Take a Walk by the Lakes
You’ll get some exercise, a peaceful view, and time away from your textbooks, what could be better?
4. Visit the Grotto
You may have been too busy to go this semester, but the grotto is a seriously beautiful place, perfect for a bit of spiritual cleansing, which is just what you need if you’re ever going to be motivated to get back to studying.
5. Meet your Friends for a Milkshake
Because when are you ever not in the mood for milkshakes? Hello?
6. Go Shopping
It’s only a short bus ride away, and the mall’s got lots of great stores. Even if you don’t have money to spend, you can always go window-shopping and the bus is free for students, so you have no excuse.
7. Watch Netflix
Ah, the classic –I had to put Netflix on this list because it’s been my go-to lately. I’ve been watching Jane the Virgin, and wow! It. Is. Crazy. So good. 10/10 would recommend.
8. Watch Videos of Dogs Welcoming Home Soldiers
Seriously, these videos are so cute; they will totally lift your spirits and remind you that there is still good in the world. This one’s pretty cute, and there’s more where that came from.
9. Watch YouTube Tutorials of Cute New Hairstyles
Then try out your favorites just because. You can take your new hairstyle for milkshakes too.
10. Make Plans for this Summer
Meet up with old friends, and perhaps even go on a trip together. Start thinking about a summer job (if you haven’t already), or maybe just do some online shopping for a new cute bathing suit to wear by the pool or at the beach.
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