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The 11 Stages of Notre Dating

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Ahhhh, college dating. This takes on a special meaning at Notre Dame, where deep-seated traditions and awkward gender relations mix to create a truly unique relationship/hookup scene. Here are some of the things we all know to be true about Notre Dating: cringe as you see fit.

1.     Things start to heat up over that “anonymous” post on ND Crushes.

2.     Seeing that cute guy from your History class at a dorm party like:

3.     You have a great (Notre Dame) hookup, and then suddenly see him ALL. OVER. CAMPUS.

4.     Experiencing the terrifying, excruciating process of the Dining Hall Date. 



7.     Normal dates turn into study dates because homework.

8.     Realizing how incredibly annoying parietals are.

9.     Taking walks around the lake like:

10. Pretty soon, you’re giving up your Thursday nights at Feve to stay in and watch Netflix and cuddle.

11. Graduation looms, and the only thought on your mind is the ever-prominent Ring by Spring…

Happy date night, ladies and gents! 


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Alex Duffy

Notre Dame

Alex is a freshman business major living in Badin Hall (go Bullfrogs!). When she's not biking around campus or eating at South Dining Hall, you can find her walking Cooper the cocker spaniel around North Quad, running the lakes, or manning the front desk at McKenna Hall. Her guilty pleasures include Grey's Anatomy, four-cheese pasta, Pinterest DIY's, and yoga.