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14 Things Notre Dame Students are Stressed about Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Ever feel stressed and you’re not exactly sure why? One of these things might seriously be stressing you out (Inspired by UCD).

14.  All that noise in the library

Live footage of Club Hes contruction 

13.  New dorms that you’ll probably never live in

I served my time in the depths of Lewis, I deserve this.

12.  Feve (and lack of)

When you’re at Finni’s on a Thursday but can’t dance on the stage for the 100th time because the bouncers are getting tired of you and you wish you were at Feve instead.

Additionally, just the thought of the existence of Feve stresses me out so much I need a nap.

Feve Motto

11.  People pretending they don’t love Feve

Stop denying it already. We all know you’re lying.

10.  DARTing (NOVO)

For freshmen and sophomore DARTing remains one of the most stressful times of the semester. Between trying to get that coveted Theology class and syncing up a class or two with you best friend, DARTing is cause for more stress than necessary.

Counting down the seconds to 7:10:00am DART time

Meanwhile, second semester seniors are momentarily confused about not receiving a DARTing email only to realize the real world is a few weeks away.

9.  All of your friends getting jobs and internships while u look like a potato and watch Netflix all day

Join the pity party.

8.  Dabbing

Ever since ND Football tweeted about dabbing, my stress levels have been through the roof

7.  Brown water in DeBart

When you have a geo-filter for your poopy brown water, there might be a problem.

6.  Viewpoint war

Once a perpetrator of this act, Viewpoint wars now stress me out.

Trying to erase the ignorance from my memory

5.  A second winter

I can’t make it through another week of 100 degree LaFun and Library temps.

4.  Finding a cardio machine at 5:00pm at Rolf’s

Subtly peeking over to see if elliptical overlooking the basketball court is open yet

3.  Magically growing flowers on God Quad

Where did all those tulips come from!? 

2.  Library bag check ladies

1.  The realization that in 3 months to ~3 years we will be adults and the impending suffocation of capitalist and consumerist societies is inevitable and the only certain thing in life is death.


If these are the type of things stressing us out at the moment, I’d say it’s a pretty good day to be Irish.




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Kat L

Notre Dame

Katrina Linden is an American Studies and Latino Studies Double Major. When she's not drinking coffee or sleeping, she's running HCND with her co-CC, assissting the director of Undergraduate Studies at the Institute for Latino Studies, or pretending to work at NDH. Message her at katrinalinden@hercampus.com if you're interested in writing for HCND.