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3 Study Spots You May Have Missed on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Now that we’re past syllabus week and into the nitty-gritty of things, we’ve got to get to work. But if you’re like me and your dorm makes it too easy to sleep instead of study, this might prove to be a bit difficult. Not to worry—the solution is here! Here are three places to study on campus where you can actually stay focused.




The Second Floor, Hesburgh Library

Okay, okay, so studying in the library is a bit of a cliche. But if you’ve caught yourself chatting with your peers more than getting your work done whenever you’re in the ‘brary, chances are you need a quieter space and upper floors of Hesburgh are the ticket! The second floor is especially nice because it’s recently been redone and has a lot of space to work—especially if you have a project that needs tech.


Geddes Hall Coffee Shop

Here’s the tea on Notre Dame’s hottest coffee spot (I am so sorry for that pun)—Geddes Hall is a smaller quiet space on campus perfect for an afternoon or evening of study. Enjoy a free cup of coffee and an atmosphere filled with colorful student artwork as you finish your readings, papers and homework. While this area doesn’t have desktop computers available like the other two, it does give you the option of doing work outside—a major plus at the beginning and the end of the year.


The Math Library, Hayes-Healy Basement

Last but not least, the library in the basement of Hayes Healy is generally even quieter than second floor Hesburgh, save for the occasional math tutoring session. There’s also plenty of space to work on whatever type of project you need, or to bring a few (quiet) friends with you to work with.

Happy studying guys – with this handy-dandy list of study spots you’re set for a hot nerd semester!

Delaney Roberts

Notre Dame '20

Delaney is a senior at Notre Dame studying marketing. She's previously written for the Notre Dame Observer and has interned at The National Museum of American History. Outside of writing, she's got a zeal for swimming, pop music, PSLs, and memes.