Whether you’re starting an exciting new internship, taking summer school classes, or doing some other type of summer activity, you’re bound to have more time on your hands this summer than you would during a typical school year. If you’re anything like me, you like to keep yourself busy during the summer and take part in activities that you don’t always have time to do during the school year. If you’re looking for a new hobby to try out this summer or simply need ideas of things to do during your free time, look no further! Here are some ideas for fun summer hobbies to add to your daily routine.
1. Yoga
Yoga is great for stress-relief or for generally decompressing after a long day of activity. If your summer job is wearing you out, try checking out a yoga class at night or on the weekends! Yoga is a great physical activity to pair with your typical cardio or weight training routine, and can definitely increase your flexibility. There are many different types of yoga offered, ranging from more relaxation-focused yoga for beginners to higher exertion classes for those looking for a challenge. Regardless of what type of yoga you choose to try out, this activity will certainly leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed this summer.
2. Golf
Many people are hesitant to give golf a try because it requires a lot of practice and is not always easy to learn. However, golfing is a great skill to have and can be an excellent summer hobby. It can also be a lot of fun! Whether you take formal lessons or simply have a friend teach you, don’t be afraid to try something new! You’ll be a confident and experienced golfer before you know it.
3. Reading
During the school year, it can be very difficult to find time to read anything outside of what is required for class. As a person who loves to read, one of the best parts about summer is that it gives me time to catch up on my long list of books to read and to choose what I’m reading for a change. If you haven’t been a big reader in the past, give it a try this summer! Whether it’s a light summer novel or more traditional literature, any book is time well spent.
4. Learn to Cook
Learning to cook is an excellent way to spend your summer. Whether you’re beginning to learn some basic recipes or expanding into more advanced techniques, cooking is a great life skill to have and can also be a very fun hobby!
5. Crafting
No matter what you choose to make, crafting can be a very relaxing and fun activity. Spend an afternoon making some new decorations for your room, or create something to give to a friend or family member as a gift! One of my person favorite craft activities is making wall signs to hang in my room, which can also be a much cheaper option than buying them.
Enjoy your summer, collegiettes!
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