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The Best of HCND Halloween 2015

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Give a Notre Dame student a theme, and they will dress all out on it. Just look at our gameday getup. So it’s no surprise that come Halloween, our HCND writers did not disappoint. Here are some of the highlights from our staff:

Netflix and Chill

This HCND took a literal interpretation of what has become one of the most popular phrases of the year.

Featuring writer Sierra Mayhew

The Teletubbies

A classic throwback to our childhoods. Plus, who doesn’t want an excuse to wear a tutu on Halloween?

Featuring writers Anna Bradley and Meghan Cohoon

The Ninja Turtles

Another childhood favorite. Ninja Turtles are always a timeless group costume and this crew put a fun spin on it.

Featuring writer Margaret Meserve

The Four Seasons

Though Notre Dame seems to only have two season- frigid winter and a humid summer–it’s nice to dress up like a normal weather pattern.

Featuring writer Kelly Monahan

Total Notre Dame Move

“ND women are feve Rats, Scholars, Master Tailgaters, and Always Taken”- Ariana Zlioba. This #TNDM squad outfit is

Featuring writer Ariana Zlioba

The Duck Dynasty Squad

One of the biggest costumes from last Halloween makes another appearance this year by one of our writer’s groups, proving that this dynasty persists.

Featuring writer Natalie Marshall

Hotline Bling

Chances are you heard this song on a loop Halloweekend, so might as well dress like it! Our EIC Katrina knows when that hotline bling.

Featuring EIC Katrina Linden

The Four Elements of Zodiac

This group found a creative way to dress up their quad as Earth, Winds, Water and Fire.

Featuring EIC Rebecca Rogalski and Editor Kelsey Collett

The Fun Suckers: Parietals, Ex-Boyfriends, and Student Loans (not featured: Clemson)

Another group costume that truly embraces Notre Dame culture. Halloween is the one time that instead of just complaining about these fun suckers, you can dress up as them too!

Featuring EIC Rebecca Rogalski and Editor Kelsey Collett

The Guy Dorms of Notre Dame

“‘Twas the night before Halloween and all through Notre Dame, the guys were ready to live up to their dorm names. Fisher started off strong rallying for the Regatta… in 7 months. Sted’s brought the yacht. Sorin… flyin’. Keough didn’t get the memo that Halloween isn’t toga themed. #KnottRelevant Zahm’s buns were on the run. Alumni wore sunglasses indoors #doyouevenliftbro Duncan made an appearance after a round of golf, of course. And we photoshopped Carroll in because he’s still commuting to the party.” -Nicole Zolman’s Instagram

Featuring writer Nicole Zolman and COO Natalie Mayer


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Images: provided by HCND team

(cue typical college student intro) Natalie is a freshman from Notre Dame studying business and journalism.  She is originally from Kansas City, Kansas, aka the land of Oz.  She willingly admits that her inner monologue is narrated by the voice of Kristen Bell, or more commonly recognized as the voice of Gossip Girl (xoxo).  In her spare time in which she is not trying to find a semi-comfortable place to crash for a power nap, she loves to read anything and everything, craft and has the dorm decorations to prove it, plan out her outfits a week in advanced, make coffee runs at any time of day, and last, but never least, hang out with her friends.  She is so lucky to have found a family at Her Campus and finally, Love Thee, HCND!