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Campus Celeb: Samuel (Sam) Cho ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Introducing this week’s Campus Celebrity – Samuel Cho! This gem hails from Brea, California and calls the Manor home while on campus which basically makes him Bear Grylls.

Name: Sam Cho

Major: Computer Science and Graphic Design

Year: Rising Sophomore

Dorm Allegiance: Morrissey

His life mantra is simple but direct – “#positivity”

His many activities around campus involve hanging out with friends and being a very talented snap-chatter. All while sipping on his venti iced caramel macchiato with white mocha and no vanilla, soy, and light ice. And a ridiculous amount of studying…so much studying that he has a bed in Riley.

In ten years he sees himself living either in San Francisco or New York City, nowhere in between.

His favorite saying is, “People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing everyday.” – Winnie the Pooh

Daily inspiration for him is gleaned from the aura of either Ryan McGinley or Kim Kardashian.

For fun he enjoys obsessing over celebrities, laughing at funny jokes, and researching both stocks and skin care regimens.

His biggest pet peeve is when people disagree with his “obviously right” opinion or prove him wrong and/or getting pimples.

Three words that describe him are: P.Y.T Pretty Young Thing

His dream vacation is a two year all expense paid trip to the Kanto League to work on his dream of becoming a Pokemon master.

His greatest accomplishment is, to quote Sam, “Just being me. It’s harder than you think.”

Beyond all the ridiculousness that is Sammy’s life, he is the most genuine person this author has ever met at Notre Dame. He’ll be honest with his friends, and with strangers, and no one ever feels or is alone if they have him in their life. Sappy things are not a strong suit here, but if you already know Sam, then you’re blessed to and if you don’t, get out there and introduce yourself to him. His presence in your life will only enrich it. It’s really hard not to love him. (We swear!) 

We encourage you to get to know this future real life celebrity!


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Images provided by interviewee

Political Science and Philosophy Major. Freshman at the University of Notre Dame.