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A Compilation of Puns for the Nerdy Soul

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Hello readers!

A month of summer has gone by and although I’m sure all of you are off doing your thing – be it finding the cure for cancer or kickin’ it poolside – I know that it can get kind of lonely at your home away from dome, especially when nobody is there to laugh at all your corny jokes. If you’re anything like me, you spend your nights shamelessly trolling the internet for nerdy puns and laughing out loud because people are just TOO. DARN. WITTY. (Okay, maybe that is just me). Since I know you’re all busy people and don’t have time to sift through Buzzfeed to find all of the best puns, I’ve decided to put my Pinterest-ing to good use and compiled a list of puns that will take your summer to the next level!

So you’re stuck in the summer heat.

Trying to decide where to go for your family vacation…

…and when you finally decide on a location, closing your suitcase is a 3-man task.

(Well, that definitely does not describe me.)

When your friends are sharing their wildest college stories, so you mention that crazy all-nighter you had…

…but you’re really just thinking about how much pressure finals week was.

Celebrating Christmas in July like:

You know you’re an adult when you’re babysitting and play dough has a whole new meaning. What was Socrates’ favorite thing to mold?

Seeing the new “OMG Shakespeare” books, realizing that text lingo is a horrible medium for play-writing, and for some reason wondering why Shakespeare only wrote in pen:

Time for a juicy summer snack!

When it’s the middle of the night and you’re up late writing a Her Campus article and you spot that creepy cat lurking outside your window once again and the sleep deprivation leads you to wonder, “What’s the difference between a cat and a comma, anyway?”

Doing your summer orgo homework…

…glad that you got through Gen Chem…

…and trying to determine if the marginal benefit of switching to Mendoza outweighs the marginal cost like:

When the Chipotle worker doesn’t give you enough meat in your burrito bowl, and you tell him to take a pointer from DNA:

Jammin’ in your car with the windows down, wind blowin’ through your hair when:

When your parents still give you a curfew and as any self-respecting adult would, you show up right on time because you still don’t dare cross your parents.

And, then…oh.

On that note, here’s your daily fix of Ryan Gosling.

Hope you thought this was as punny as I did! Stay classy, Notre Dame.


The HCND application is now open! For more information contact Rebecca Rogalski at rrogalsk@nd.edu or Katrina Linden at klinden1@nd.edu.

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Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Nicole (noun): 1. Writer & Marketing and Publicity Director for Her Campus Notre Dame 2. Junior Neuroscience and Behavior major 3. Avid Traveler 4. Lover of Languages 5. Coffee Enthousiast 6. Laughing Queen (can't dance)