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Dance Out of Your Comfort Zone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Last spring, I wrote an article on how not to be perfect, but I forgot one important element for avoiding perfectionism in the long-term–learning to step out of your comfort zone. I might be the worst person to offer this advice; I’m the queen of staying in on Friday nights, eating only a handful of foods at the dining hall, watching the same movies over and over on Netflix.  However, I recently made a decision that throws previous patterns of comfort out the window–I joined a Bollywood dance group.

Let me explain. Each year, Notre Dame’s Asian associations host Asian Allure, a festival of dancing, culture, and fashion. As a member of the Indian association, I heard about the annual Bollywood dance, choreographed by club members and executed on the stage of Washington Hall. And I signed up. And I cannot dance.  

And no, I don’t look like this, either.

I’ve always dreamed about dancing on stage–being graceful and powerful in front of dozens of onlookers. But two left feet, no physical stamina, and stage fright kept me away from an audience for years. Yet when I got the email asking for volunteers to dance, I signed up? Why? Well, I figured college was the time to try new things and discover what truly made me happy. Because, to be honest, Netflix every weekend was getting dull.

The performance isn’t for another couple weeks, but I’ve already learned a great deal in the few weeks of practicing–about dancing and about myself.

1.  Exercise can actually be fun

I’m a lifelong couch potato. It’s not something I’m proud of, but I’d been complacent since I was little and came last in the mile run. I never thought I’d enjoy sweating, but it turns out I just didn’t find the right activity for me. Dancing was that activity. An hour and a half of practice races by, and I’m left tired and exhilarated all at once. 

Seriously, exercising and smiling at the same time?!

2.  Busting out of your comfort zone is a great way to make new friends

I was nervous about being the only chubby, graceless member of the 8-woman dance team. But everyone had their faults, everyone had a move or two that baffled them. We got to laugh about it between run-throughs, sliding in our socks and missing cues. The seven other girls I’ve danced with are all wonderful, awesome people, and it was a pleasure to meet them all.

3.  Missing a practice isn’t worth it

Each week was a struggle, confidence-wise.  Did I really belong here?  Was it even worth showing up? It often took the urging of close friends before I walked into The Rock late on Sunday evenings. Still, I never regretted my decision at the end of each practice. I was doing something for the group, as well as myself. And there was no way I didn’t belong.

3.  Don’t show up to practice without a sports bra

Seriously, just don’t.

On December 5, I’ll find out if my efforts were in vain. But most likely, our 8-woman group will strut our stuff at Washington Hall and bow to thunderous applause. And I would’ve finally taken a hammer to my comfort zone. Next step–go ice skating (Seriously, if I can dance on stage without falling on my face, I can do it on ice. Right?)!


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Images: 1, 2, 3