Everyone has at least one social media account. In the past decade, our lives have been documented on social media. Not only can we see pictures of ourselves from when we were younger, but we can also express our thoughts to the world and see current news by just clicking an app on our phones. Although, some social media platforms are definitely better than others, and I’m here to tell you which ones are the best.
Instagram is where we capture all of the best moments of our lives. Looking back through your Instagram page gives you a quick glimpse of all of your best memories, and looking through your feed connects you to all of your friends by seeing the best days of their lives. Recently, Instagram has been a platform for expressing your opinion and spreading information, so I’m giving it an extra point for holding our generation accountable as we become the leading generation in the world.
- Snapchat
Snapchat is a great platform for college students to keep in touch with their friends from their hometowns without having to take time out of their busy schedules to constantly keep up a conversation. All you have to do is open the app, snap a picture of your face (smiles aren’t even necessary) and send it to your friends to let them know you’re still chugging along. Plus, there’s the bonus of swiping up on people’s stories to let them know how their snap may have brightened your day!
Twitter’s a bit of a hit-or-miss. Sometimes, going on Twitter can make you really anxious about the state of the world. Other times, it can give you the biggest smile by showing you the most hilarious memes. My personal favorite Twitter trend is looking at memes while The Bachelorette is airing. Seriously, it’s the best part of my week during Bachelor season.
Facebook is a bit of a question mark in terms of whether our generation likes it or not. Most of our generation would find Facebook boring, because it’s mainly older adults expressing their political opinions or your mom posting that picture of you that you didn’t even realize she was taking. For me, though, Facebook is a way to spy on my older cousins, so I won’t give it last place.
- TikTok
This might be the most controversial statement I make all year, but I do not like TikTok. Yes, I am anti-TikTok. I’ve never even downloaded the app. I know so many people who have wasted hours watching TikToks, and I just don’t see the point. It’s just a rip-off of Vine but with more dancing. The other social media platforms may not be great, but they’re not the time-sucking black hole that TikTok is.
There you have it, folks. If you only have one form of social media, or if you are looking to cut down on your time using your phone, I would recommend Instagram. Still, all forms of social media (except TikTok) are great for keeping up with events going on in the world and keeping tabs on your friends at Notre Dame and back home. When we’re all back home for ten weeks this winter, remember this list to figure out the best way to use the enormous amount of free time we’re going to have on our hands!