Meet Daisy Costello, a sophomore living in Pasquerilla West. She’s an Economics major with a minor in Constitutional Studies who loves quoting The Office, watching college basketball, and spending all of her Flex Points at Starbucks. Daisy is one of the most hardworking people I have met at Notre Dame, but her diligence never gets in the way of her sense of humor. Read more to find out what makes Daisy such a unique asset to the Notre Dame community.
Quick Facts
Hometown: Chesterton, Indiana
Favorite course at Notre Dame: PE Pickleball…just kidding, probably Shakespeare in Film with Krier. He was amazing.
Clubs/Activities: Pasquerilla West Hall President, PW Flag Football, ND Right to Life, College Republicans, and Economics Club
Favorite American Idol contestant: Sanjaya, obviously.
Social Security number: Never in a million years.
What is your favorite thing about being a student at Notre Dame?
I would have to say my favorite part of being a student is just the dorm life. A lot of my friends at other schools can’t wait to move off campus to apartments, and while I will be off campus senior year, I really do love dorm life. This year I’m living in a section with a ton of my friends, and it’s been awesome. I love having everyone around; there’s rarely a time when I find myself looking for something to do because there are always people around willing to watch an episode of South Park or take a trip to the Grotto.
You skyrocketed to power last year by becoming the president of Pasquerilla West. What was the election process like? What makes you and vice president Amanda Geiger a good team?
Hall elections are a unique experience because I met a lot of girls who I really hadn’t talked to before. Amanda and I had a great time decorating purple frosted cookies and putting some pretty awesome The Amanda Show puns on posters.
I think our not-so-secret to success is that we’re both very competitive and love PDub. We share responsibilities and have been collaborating very well thus far. We have a lot of similar worldviews in general and we get along very well, not to mention we have basically the same wardrobe. I’ve been very close with her since the beginning of last year, and I wouldn’t want to be doing this with anybody else.
You’re clearly a force to be reckoned with in college. What were you like in high school? Give us a look into Daisy Costello, circa 2011.
I spent most of my time wondering why I decided to put myself through the torture that was a 2-year AP Physics class junior/senior year. I was one of 10 people in my senior physics class and I think over half of that class is now studying some form of science/engineering. I am obviously not one of those people.
Also, anyone who knows me now knows I’m painfully addicted to Starbucks, and it can be traced back to high school. My school was 30 minutes away from me, and the Starbucks perfectly situated between my house and school was incentive enough to get up in the morning.
Scenario: The zombie apocalypse has begun. It’s no longer safe to be in your dorm because all of your friends are trying to eat you. You can take three things from your room with you to help you survive. What do you choose?
Well, if my friends are trying to eat me I take back everything I said in the first question…
I would take my loft ladder and use the wood as a weapon against the zombies, because Dwight Schrute once said the best defense against a zombie is “stabbing it in the brain with a wooden stick.” Since Dwight never lies and that’s obviously going to be effective, I will probably get hungry and want a snack, so I would bring a box of Cheez-Its. Finally, I would bring my phone because I’m sure Yik Yak would be full of hilarious Yaks about zombies and possibly some bits of information for those of us who have not been turned into zombies.
You can see from these weak survival skills that I’d be the first to go in the event of a real zombie attack.
Are there any quotes or mottos that you try to live by?
“I think we’re all a little bit crazy.” -Schmidt, New Girl
“Honor: if you need it defined, you don’t have it.” -Ron Swanson, Parks and Recreation
“I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.” -Michael Scott, The Office
“You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the waterslide, overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.” -Tina Fey, Bossypants
“‘I’ve always dreamed of growing up to be Amy Poehler.’- Amy Poehler” – Daisy Costello
Thanks for the interview, Daisy!
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Images: provided by interviewee