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A Girl with a Drive(r): Meet Golfer Isabella Dilisio ’19

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Meet Isabella DiLisio, the basically professional golfer who everyone loves having ‘a round’ (sorry, not sorry for the golf puns).


Name: Isabella Dilisio

Dorm: Pasquerilla West

Hometown: Hatfield, PA

Major: Finance

Graduation year: 2019

Why did you come to Notre Dame? I was recruited by my coaches and they wanted me to take a visit so I did and I just loved the campus and I loved the golf team and I just fell in love with the whole place when I got here.

What’s your favorite Notre Dame memory? When we stormed the court last weekend after the UNC basketball game!

NDH or SDH? North

Opinion on Notre Dame squirrels? They’re scary.

On golf:

How long have you been playing golf? Since I was 9

How is college golf different from high school? It’s much more intense – the players are better in general. It’s definitely just as fun but there’s a more competitive aspect.

What’s the best part about being a Notre Dame student-athlete? The issued gear. 

What are training tables really like? To be completely honest it’s not that much different that the dining hall except there are fewer options and no desert but it’s definitely nice to have berries.

What’s your favorite tournament you’ve played so far? Definitely the Oklahoma tournament because we got to meet Toby Keith and go to his house and we sang karaoke with him.

What is your proudest accomplishment as a member of the ND golf team? It was definitely our final round of our last tournament in the fall at UNC. It’s the toughest field we play in all year. I played well the first few days and the rest of the team played pretty well but then the last day I played very not well but the rest of the team played insanely well. So it was cool to see how we help each other out and see everyone pull through for a second place finish which was really good considering the other teams that were there.

Does playing golf ever drive a wedge between you and NARP (Non-Athletic Regular Person, according to Urban Dictionary) friends? Sometimes it’s really nice to get away from the whole golf student-athlete part and just try to clear my mind nd get away from the intensity. SO it’s nice having NARP friends. 

Best memory of bonding with the golf team? Definitely going to a Taylor Swift concert with all of them after the Louisville tournament during Fall Break.

What is an ideal day of golf practice for you? Get up really early, go to workouts, go to class, eat lunch, practice for two hours in the afternoon, eat dinner, do homework, go to bed, wake up and repeat.

Your spirit animal? A puppy.

What’s your opinion on Taylor Swift? I don’t know how to put it into words. I love her. I want her to be my best friend. I aspire to be her.

If you were a golf club you would be…a driver?

Thanks for the interview Izzy! You’re a hole in one. ;)

Images: 1 courtesy of the interviewee, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 courtesy of the interviewee, 7 

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Hi everyone, I'm Marie! I am a freshman at the University of Notre Dame studying English with a possible double minor in Design and Journalism. I hail from Jacksonville, Florida, home of the Jacksonville Jaguars, lots of beaches, and winters that don't get worse than 40 degrees (apparently I'm in for a shock). I take pride in being a purple weasel from Pasquerilla West(peace, love, pdub:). I have unhealthy obsessions with watching sunsets, inspirational quotes, Friends (the tv show and my actual friends), running, drinking coffee, the beach, and of course, all things Notre Dame. I'm so happy to have found a home under the dome!