The Pre-Writing Process (2 weeks out)
Receive assignment
Ignore assignment
Lose sheet in backpack for a week
Be reminded of the paper assignment
Choose a topic
Forget that you chose a topic
Remember that you chose a topic
The Writing Process (the day before)
Create a writing playlist
Write a thesis statement
Go grab a snack as a reward
Run into a friend in the kitchen
Talk about Thanksgiving plans with said friend
Remember you have a paper to write
Make coffee because it’s 10 PM
Write a page and a half
Check Twitter
Get angry at the world
Calm down
Write two more pages
Realize it is 1 AM
Go take a walk to stave off sleepiness
Write all but the last page
Decide that can be done if you wake up at 6 AM
Wake up at 7:30 AM and furiously write the last page
The Revising Process (an hour before class)
Delete all random notes to self in all caps
Give the paper a real title, not PAPER DUE TOMORROW
Skim it for coherency
Make sure you wrote  some citations
Change how you broke up a paragraph to make it look aesthetically better
Realize you spelled the title wrong
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