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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

How to Tell People You Love Them

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

September 30th is National Love People Day. In a world where we toss the word love around carelessly, it is really important to show people we love them rather than just telling them. This is why in preparation for this awesome (though not well known) holiday, I have a few ideas on how we can show the people we love that we care for and cherish them! Who doesn’t want that?!?!

Write a letter

This is a lost art! More often than not, people notice effort and time than the actual gift itself. Writing a letter is a great way to put all of your feelings on paper – to write elegant lines of your deep appreciation the way our forefathers did it! “We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”― Anais Nin. Let people you love experience your love twice!

Make their favorite treat

My grandma always said, “The quickest way to a man’s heart is his stomach.” While she isn’t wrong, I’m sure this applies to every person on the planet. Baking cookies, cooking up some pasta or arranging Oreos on a plate can show that you really listen and pay attention to a person, which is a great way to show your love.

Send a picture of you together

“Remember that one time we did x, while we were in y? I miss this so much and we should totally do it all again! Spending time with you is the best!” That would be an awesome text to receive. Whether you shoot your mom a text thanking her for all the awesome memories on vacation or send your gal friends last Friday night’s escapades, it truly shows you love a person and want to spend time with them.


We live in a digital age and we can’t fight it. So embrace it! There are so many awesome online resources where you can create digital letters for people (if regular letter writing is so last year for you). My favorite website is American Greetings! It’s super fun and has lots of options for all occasions!

Send them a joke that makes you think of them

I love to laugh with my friends or family until my ribs hurt or I can’t stop crying. Sending a funny joke brings a little light into someone’s day and makes them smile. It can be as simple as DMing something from Twitter or Instagram that made you laugh (this happens to me a lot thanks to Twitter). Let that person know you are thinking of them and there is no one you’d rather share a laugh with!

Get them a friendship bracelet

Remember when we were younger and the coolest thing ever was to have matching bracelets with your best friend? Me neither, but who says you can’t start. Shameless plug ahead, but Pura Vida makes awesome bracelets which are pretty cheap but are still so cute and help awesome causes! Plus, as a little gift of love from me to you, you can use code ADDIEQUINN20 for 20% off. You’re welcome :)

Look them in the eye

This is the most important one, so listen up. We spend so much time on our phones and computers looking at social media, watching shows and buying clothes that we forget to look at people when we talk. My attention span is the size of a peanut, so when someone looks me in the eye, I know that they are really listening and really care. So go out and look your loved one in the eye and tell them that you couldn’t do it without them and that they rock your world!


Now go out and share love with the world!!!!

Addison Quinn

Notre Dame '22

Hi all! I am from Granger, IN (a lengthy twenty minute drive away from campus) and Ryan Hall is truly a home away from home! I am an intended Marketing major with a Collaborative Innovation minor, but I love trying new things! I’d say my spirit animal is a giraffe because I’m tall, awkward when I run, have a longer than average neck, and don’t drink nearly enough water.