As any Office fanatic knows, every employee of Dunder Mifflin has a unique personality. Each member of the Scranton team brings something different to the group. After all, where would the show be without Michael’s lack of a filter, Stanley’s sarcastic remarks, Pam’s rationality, or Jim’s inquisitive glances?
Just like Dunder Mifflin, every Notre Dame residence hall has its own personality and each dorm contributes something unique to the campus community. Even though rooms are randomly assigned freshman year, each dorm gradually develops its own identiy and sense of character which become widely known throughout campus.
And of course, several of these notorious Office characters have a lot in common with the dorms of Notre Dame.
Kelly Kapoor – Ryan Hall
“Who says exactly what they’re thinking? What kind of game is that?”
As the newest dorm on campus, Ryan is generally viewed as a dorm of luxury. What place of residence could possibly be more fitting for Kelly Kapoor? Kelly likes to have everything a certain way, and you know she would love to have some of that finely crafted mahogany furniture in her office back in the annex.
Toby Flenderson – Carroll Hall
“I went zip lining my third day in Costa Rica…I’ve been in the hospital five weeks now. I still haven’t seen the beach. It’s nice to have visitors.”
While most of Dunder Mifflin’s employees have work stations in the central part of the office, Toby Flenderson’s desk is located wayyy back in the annex. Remind you of anything?
Creed Bratton – Zahm Hall
“If I can’t scuba, then what’s this all been about??”
Creed is the guy you’ve heard a lot of weird stories about from your fellow classmates – granted, you’re not sure if all or even any of them are true, but you generally keep your distance just in case.
Jim Halpert – O’Neill Hall
“Lord, beer me strength.”
The residents of O’Neill are known to be pretty cool, laid back guys, just like Jim Halpert. And who’s better to spend your weekends partying with than good old Jim Halpert?
Meredith Palmer – Pasquerilla West
“I’ve been on my best behavior for nine years.”
Meredith Palmer is all about fun nights out, and PW is known for being one of the most fun women’s dorms on campus. If Meredith was looking for a group of girls to hit the parties with, PW is the dorm for her.
Michael Scott – Keenan Hall
“I am running away from my responsibilities. And it feels good.”
What better residence hall to represent Michael Scott than the infamous Keenan Hall. Known for their annual Keenan Revue, this men’s dorm is one of the most humor-filled and performative dorms on campus. Plus, you know Michael Scott wouldn’t miss a chance to join in the fun of the Revue.
Andy Bernard – Duncan Hall
“Women cannot resist a man singing show tunes.”
Andy Bernard is one of the classiest employees of Dunder Mifflin – he studied at an Ivy League school, he sang in a college a cappella group, and his work ensemble is meticulously put together. Without a doubt, Andy would desperately want one of those spiffy green blazers sported by the men of Duncan.
As Andy Bernard once said, “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.” So residents, enjoy the days spent living in the dorms because they’ll certainly be some of the best memories of your life.
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