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Katrina Linden ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.
Name: Katrina Linden
Hometown: Santa Ana, California, the real OC
Dorm: Lewis
Major: American Studies, Journalism, Ethics, and Democracy (JED), Latino Studies
Motto: YOLO
Describe yourself in 3 words
Excited, Coffee, Indecisive
Campus activity(-ies)?
Her Campus Notre Dame Campus Correspondent, Racial Rebel Rousing, former dining hall worker, current office assistant…started from the bottom.
Worst date ever?
My dad said I’m not allowed to date until I get married.
Dream date?
The beach and In-N-Out
Celebrity boyfriend:
Kanye West
You were an Observer celebrity last year, tell us about it
Ask the Keenan Revue.
Favorite app:
I don’t have very many apps because I only have an 8G but if I had to choose I’d say the Kim Kardashian Hollywood Game.
Guilty pleasure:
I don’t have any guilty pleasures because why feel guilty about something you enjoy?
Best place to get coffee:
My room. #KeurigLife
You like exploring the bend, tell us about some hidden gems.
I can’t because they wouldn’t be hidden anymore but I love Bazaar Sunday at The State. I bought a pocket knife for $2 at the flea market.
Why’d you abandon sunny California for the land of the permacloud?
For the diversity…of opinions. And weather. And people. 
If you could go back to freshman year and tell yourself one thing you know now, what would it be? 
Try to hate people less.
Relationship Status:
Single mother to a German Shephard-Pit Bull mix ~Princess Coco~
Not Princess Coco
Favorite TV Show
The Mindy Project because she’s who I aspire to be one day.
One piece of advice for prospective suitors?
Buy me coffee and food and we good. #LowMaintenance
Describe your hometown in 5 words.
Home. Sunny. Hip. In-N-Out. Mexican-Food. 
Shallow deal breaker?
Bad breath. 
Most awkward ND event
Every social gathering ever. 
ND Bucket List
The Hesburgh Challenge. i.e. studying on every floor of the library. And not getting a CommStand.
Some of your friends refer to you as an elf, why?
I just like to do hoodrat things with my friends. And I’m 5 foot even.
Why are you perpetually running late to class?
I have to have 4 cups of coffee before I leave my room every morning even though my first class is at 12:50 p.m. every day.
What is your “jam”? 
Definitely Drake “Marvin’s Room”
Greatest ND accomplishment:
Sprouting a sunflower seed in my room. 
Closing Thought:
Stay classy, ND. No, that’s stupid. I hate myself.  
Thanks Kat! 

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Images provided by interviewee


Victoria is a Junior Political Science major and Journalism minor hailing from Atlanta, Georgia. As you'd expect, she loves writing about politics in a tireless attempt to help people realize that politics matter. When she's not standing on her soapbox, she enjoys music, food, football, and reminding people to check their privilege. In the winter months, you can find her near the closest heater listening to country songs and counting the days until break.