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Leaving for School as Told by BBC’s Sherlock

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Don’t worry! The stress you feel right now trying to fit everything in your car/suitcase/smallU-Haul is universal to every college student. 

It starts when your parents try to get you to stop watching reruns on Netflix and start packing,

Then you get serious when you see the list of things to do,
And your list keeps getting longer and longer,
You call to order something online, and they say its not in stock,
But then you see the back to school sale sections,
Someone asks if you’re ready to leave but you haven’t started packing.
You find some old party clothing in your closet and get distracted for a minute by old memories,
but you get brought back to earth when you have to call the customer service line
At some point your parents try to lecture you about packing and college and life,
And you have that inevitable nervous breakdown when you think about schoolwork and life.
As you leave work for the last time,
While trying to pretend you aren’t a little sad about saying good-bye,
And then you have that last night out with your best friend.
Finally, with a car filled to the roof, you roll out of your hometown,
and you pull up to campus.
See you on campus, Collegiettes!
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The HCND application is still open! For more information contact Rebecca Rogalski at rebeccarogalski@hercampus.comor Katrina Linden at katrinalinden@hercampus.com
Source for Images: 1
Hi everyone, I'm Margaret! I'm a sophmore in Cavanaugh Hall (embrace the Chaos) and I'm majoring in Neuroscience with a minor in Science, Technology and Values. I'm from Falmouth, Maine where I work for a company that makes really awesome bags and purses from old boat sails. In my spare time, I love to dance, read, and binge watch series on Netflix. I also pride myself on my skills as a foodie, so if any one knows of places to get good grub around South Bend, I'd love to hear about them! Notre Dame has been my dream school practically since birth and I still haven't come down from cloud-nine yet despite the struggles of Organic Chemistry- here's hoping that feeling never goes away!