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The Magic of a Notre Dame Football Game

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

There comes a point in a football game where you’re cold and soaked, the team has been playing in a lackluster manner for three quarters, and you’re silently wondering why you’re there. You could be doing homework, or curled up watching Netflix. You’d really love a hot a shower and despite the multiple cups of over-priced stadium hot chocolate your fingers are frozen stiff.

I will confess that all of these thoughts ran through my mind during the Stanford game. Out of sheer stubbornness, I refused to leave. With my perfect record the past four years of not ever leaving early or sitting during a home game, I was not going to let the wet and cold of the game get to me. The senior game last year against BYU was worse weather-wise; I knew I could make it through another quarter.

After the third quarter, I was vaguely wondering if Sgt. Tim McCarthy’s quip was going to be the best part of the second half. Thankfully, the team showed up in the final quarter and played their hearts out. I yelled myself hoarse while we were on defense, as though my single voice could somehow keep Stanford from making a big play. I jumped up and down when we scored the field goal, nearly falling off the bench. I felt a little bit of fire seep back into my blood.

I’m not going to tell you I felt any less wet or cold, but I was excited! The momentum shifted and the stadium filled with electricity. After we scored the field goal, there was nowhere else I wanted to be. I was struck, in that moment, by the transcendent atmosphere of football. I banished the weather and my mountainous stack of homework from my mind and let the game pull me in.

During the school week, I can’t help but get bogged down by homework, endless reading, too many meetings, and long hours of work. Grad school just isn’t fun the way undergrad is. But standing at game this past weekend, I was in rapture. Everyone should experience the thrill of a Notre Dame football game, where diehard 50-year alumni, students, visitors, and subway alums cheer on the team.

There are the moments that define the Notre Dame experience; don’t miss out on them. You’ll look back and say, I was there. Big wins are what you’ll tell your kids about and reminisce about with your former roommates. So, if you find yourself cold, wet, or frozen, hang in there. I promise the game winning touchdown is worth witnessing live. As much as you can scream at your television from the comfort and warmth of your couch, nothing will replace being there in the stadium with nearly 81,000 other fans.

So set your alarm earlier than you like on Saturday morning, add an extra layer to stay warm, have another drink in the parking lot, and get ready to cheer louder than you think you can. Leave the worries of school behind and let yourself be immersed in electric atmosphere that is a Notre Dame football game. Homework can wait until Sunday and fall break is just around the corner. No matter what the weather is like, remember to appreciate what you are a part of. Like everyone keeps telling you, you only get four years. So, let yourself get swept up in the atmosphere and enjoy the magic of a Notre Dame football game. 

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Photos: Property of the author

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Maria Fahs

Notre Dame

Maria is finishing her Masters in English at Notre Dame. She has read many good books and several bad books, but she usually tries not to finish those. Her current favorites are: 1984, The Book Thief, The Tragedy Paper, Code Name Verity, Dr. Copernicus, I Am the Messenger, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, and of course, Harry Potter. She is writing her second thesis on Harry Potter, exploring notions of authorship and reader agency in the digital age. She even managed to write her Capstone on British Children's Literature and designed her own Directed Readings Course on Notre Dame history during undergrad. Her favorite way to read is with a mug of tea and scented candles. When she doesn't have her nose stuck in a book, she can be found binging on the BBC (Downton Abbey, Doctor Who, Sherlock, Merlin [RIP]). Her favorite color is purple, she studied abroad in London, and she enjoys being an amateur painter. She harbors a not-so-secret dream of one day writing a children's book, but until then, she is likely to be found reading them and writing letters whenever she gets a chance. She hopes to teach English or work in a university sharing her love of education.