Okay so you’ve made it through syllabus week, now it’s time to tackle this semester. Naturally, we turn to Pinterest in our time of need to guide us through this brisk spring semester.
If you’re one of the many ND students who experienced a killer hangover this week, try these hangover tips to avoid feeling the pain the rest of the semester. This pin puts you “in the know” about the best and worst food to eat the morning after a long night out. So, check it out and gain some wisdom or just head to The Original Pankcake House…but make sure you have ample time to nap after!
If you’re worried about what to wear in the frozen tundra that we lovingly refer to as our home under the dome, check this article out! It’s written by a fellow collegiette from the sunny state of Indiana to help out midwestern college girls stay warm and fashionable all season long by laying out the key pieces you need! I’ll let you West Coast girls in on a little secret now though, layering is essential!
Not sure how to transition into winter makeup? Pinterst has you covered here. This pin, as you can see from its thumbnail pitured below, tells you which makeup item to stock up on and which to let sit until spring.
Need to keep your lips kissable this winter? Not sure what lip scrub is? This pin shows you the best to buy as well as balms and other goodies! Worth checking out with Valentine’s Day fast approaching!
Best Pinterest Pro tip for the semester, however, comes from the one and only Audrey:
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