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News Snapshot: Week of November 9-13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

This week has been an eventful one. Unfortunately, many of the most-discussed stories were either negative or controversial.

First, the Notre Dame community lost junior Jake Scanlan on Wednesday morning. Students showed up in full force for his memorial service Thursday evening to honor his life and memory.

At the University of Missouri, president Tim Wolfe resigned after football players went on strike and students protested his administration for mishandling instances of overt racism on campus. Shortly after Wolfe’s resignation, the school’s chancellor R. Bowen Loftin also stepped down and commended graduate student Jonathan Butler, who had been on a hunger strike for several days. Click here for a more detailed summary of events leading up to Wolfe’s resignation.

Last week, the Mormon church announced that same-sex couples are apostates ( a person who reounced a religious or political belief or principle) and that children in their custody can’t participate in the Mormon church until they become adults and separate from their parents. As a result, hundreds of people are choosing to leave the faith for good, making it clear that enough is enough. Salt Lake City is expected to host a mass-resignation and march this weekend.

In less serious news, the Internet exploded over Starbucks’ new holiday cup design (or lack thereof). This year marks the first cup that didn’t feature wreaths, bells, gingerbread men and other Christmas symbols since the holiday cup rollout in the late ‘90s. Instead, this year’s cup is features a solid red background accompanying the company logo. If we’re getting into details, it’s a “two-toned ombrĂ© design, with a bright poppy color on top that shades into a darker cranberry below.” The coffee company cup controversy, which some are labeling as an act of anti-Christmas propoganda, can be traced back to a viral video made by Josh Feuerstein, in which he slams the coffee chain’s support of Planned Parenthood (and the rest of what he says is downhill from there). The good news is, College Humor has designed cups that are sure to please the haters.

Those are the highlights from this week, check back next week for more news.

In parting, HerCampus ND would like to send our condolences, thoughts, and prayers to Jake Scanlan’s family. May he rest in peace.



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Editor-in-Chief of HCND from 2016-2018.