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Sex and the City Is Not Just About Sex (and the City)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

In public opinion, the TV series Sex and the City has often been criticized for being scandalous, raunchy, and generally inappropriate for television viewers. Some have completely condemned the show, while others celebrate and perceive it as an empowering representation of the modern working woman living life in a big city.

As a huge fan of the show, I wholeheartedly support this opinion, and I believe that Sex and the City has a lot more to offer than just relationship drama and scandalous sex scenes.

It’s a show about finding who you are in a city full of fascinating people and fantastic opportunities, and about staying true to yourself in a world full of potentially negative influences. And most importantly, it’s a show about the support and sincerity of female friendships, and the true meaning of standing by your girlfriends in good times and bad. The following are some important lessons that one can take away from Sex and the City, and are subjects that a Collegiette can certainly relate to.

Sometimes it’s okay to be a little financially irresponsible.

In the words of Carrie Bradshaw, “I like my money right where I can see it…hanging in my closet.”

As any Sex and the City fan knows, an episode hardly goes by without Carrie frivolously spending her rent money on a fabulous pair of heels or a night out with the girls. Obviously, it is not always wise to spend the money that you need to keep a roof over your head on other, less necessary items. But sometimes you just need to have a little fun in life, and buy those adorable shoes simply because you worked hard to pay for them and they make you happy.

After all, approaching each day with an open mind and a little spontaneity is an important part of life, and is something that Carrie Bradshaw truly takes to heart.

Best friends are there for you through thick and thin.

Carrie Bradshaw wouldn’t be able to function without the support system that is Samantha, Miranda, and Charlotte. Through broken hearts and broken heels, these women represent what friendship is all about. Your best friends are there cheering you on when you’re at your best, and they’re by your side when you’re at your worst. Of course, you always have their back just as much as they have yours. As Carrie Bradshaw once said, “Dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style.”

Relationships don’t always work out, and that’s okay.

From falling head over heels for Aidan Shaw to being swept off her feet by Mr. Big, Carrie certainly has her fair share of relationship drama over the course of the series. Yet despite painful break-ups and heart-wrenching moments, Carrie always manages to pick herself up, dust herself off, call up her girlfriends and head out for the night looking as fabulous as ever.

In life, relationships don’t always work out like you hoped they would. Maybe things with the boyfriend you thought you’d be with forever aren’t going so well anymore, or maybe that guy you really thought was incredible isn’t texting you back. It hurts, and we’ve all been there. Even Carrie Bradshaw has been there. In fact, she was once broken up with on a post-it. Can it get much worse than that?

The bottom line is that if I’ve learned one thing from Carrie Bradshaw’s example, it’s that you can’t let these negative events affect how you feel about yourself. It’s easy to fall into the trap of over-thinking and self doubt, and to convince yourself that this is all happening because of something you did wrong. But it’s a lot more difficult to overcome this negativity and walk away from it all with an optimistic outlook on the future, and Carrie challenges you to do just that. In the wise words of Carrie Bradshaw,

“The most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that’s just fabulous.”


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