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The Stages of an Intense Political Debate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Political debates, especially amongst friends can be exhilarating, intellectually stimulating, and a good way of practicing your debate skills!  However, they can get heated, really fast, cause extremely awkward tension between you two, and even offend the peopel around you.  Here are the stages of getting into an intense political debate, as told my some pretty dramatic gifs (because we all know the “D” in debate stands for drama).  

You’re all dressed up, looking pretty hot and going out with your friends tonight

Everyone is relaxing, having a good time, when all of a sudden someone brings up a political topic that you wholeheartedly disagree with

So, you make a comment that contradicts their argument completely

Your friends get a little nervous.  They know that this is the calm before the storm.  

You both know what’s coming next: a heated debate.  You both wish this hadn’t escalated to this point, yet know that your prides won’t let this slide.  

The first round of valid arguments and exchanges (and the end of the calm before the storm) passes with the blink of an eye.  

Then someone makes kind of a low blow, and it starts to boil your blood.  

Your opponent’s arguments are joke worthy.  Like did they really just say that?

Friends and everyone around you can’t believe that this is truly happening right now.

However, there’s a few people in the crowd that are getting really into it with you.  

When will this madness end?

Pretty soon, your opponent realizes they just got schooled by the total political science genius that you are,

You feel bad that you completely embarassed your opponent, especially in public.

And your friends are about to kill you for causing a scene.

Secretly inside, you’re satisfied and proud.  You are the champion. 

The HCND application is now open! For more information contact Rebecca Rogalski at rebeccarogalski@hercampus.com or Katrina Linden at katrinalinden@hercampus.com

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Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16