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Summer and Self-Image

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

When I say self-image, I don’t mean just a swimsuit body and fashionable clothes.  Of course, those would be nice to flaunt.  What I mean is confidence.  As every woman knows, the girls who look best in bikinis and short-shorts are the girls with confidence.  Women have been saying it for ages, men too.  My own father used to tell me, as middle-school me fretted over glasses and braces, that the most attractive quality in a person is confidence. 

Now, I’m no confidence guru.  I haven’t worn a real swimsuit in seven years–by “real” I mean one without the sloppy gym shorts hiked over my bum.  I can’t run to NDH and back without getting winded (and I live on North Quad). However, confidence stems not just from a fitness routine, but a general satisfaction with yourself and your abilities. 

So, for you ladies who struggle with self-image, I’m going to share with you my plans for the summer–to better myself.  And for once, I fully intend to follow through.  If any of you know me personally, feel free to smack me upside the head if I don’t.

Endless possibilities. 

1.     Journal:  I used to do this in middle school, and I even rekindled it my senior year.  However, as always, habits dropped at college.  I barely had time to think, let alone write.  But I’m an English major, writing is as natural as walking, and this year I felt my creativity shrivel up and die.  Journals help. They help creativity, organization, and peace of mind.  All of which I could use. 

2.     Exercise:  Okay, you caught me.  I said confidence isn’t about fitness and appearance, but it’s a factor, okay?  I’ve never been fit, I’ve always been the chubby kid, and I’ve never succeeded at exercising.  Why?  It’s never been fun!  So this summer, I’m going to find what’s fun for me, and hopefully I’ll feel and look great.


3.     Read:  It’s summer!  The libraries are quiet and air-conditioned!  I’ve always been a library dweller, and I have a lot of catching up to do.  My Intro to Lit professor even gave us all recommendations, and I intend to get started

4.     Learn:  If I haven’t seemed lame yet, I do now.  Who wants to study over the summer?  Nobody really wants to, but everyone loves to learn.  On my docket are a host of things to learn–a free online course on Neurology, some Orgo online lectures (just to get ahead for next year, I’m not a masochist) and my guitar.  I’ve had a guitar for a couple years now, but I can’t play a chord.  No more!

5.     Cook:  I love to cook.  But it’s mostly decadent chocolate cakes, not fresh kale salads.  With exercising must come eating healthy, a task I haven’t picked up here at ND.  (I blame unlimited ice cream).  I’m also a vegetarian, so learning fun and healthy recipes might be a challenge.  But at least I’ll get to spend some time with my parents in the kitchen.

Look at it. 

Of course, I’ll be doing typical summer things as well.  Volunteering, shadowing, trying to find a job.  But these five things are for myself, and after a stressful first year of college, I deserve it.  You all deserve it.

Photos: 1, 234

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AnnaLee Rice

Notre Dame

AnnaLee Rice is a senior at the University of Notre Dame with a double major in Economics and Political Science and a minor in PPE. In addition to being the HCND Campus Correspondent, she is editor-in-chief of the undergraduate philosophy research journal, a research assistant for the Varieties of Democracy project, and a campus tour guide.  She believes in democracy and Essie nailpolish but distrusts pumpkin spice lattes because they are gross.