Hey everyone! So I heard that last weekend there was this crazy national event called the Superb Owl? Apparently it’s an annual thing? How have I not heard about it before? I feel like I would remember something called the Superb Owl that happens every year, but then again I’m not into reading up on current events anymore. Too much fake news.
From what I hear, it’s a real hoot (get it, get it? I swear I’m funny…). People watch it on TV and invite their friends over for big Superb Owl parties. I’ve heard people get really into the event, yelling and screaming for their favorite owls. It sounds pretty intense!
This cheering is obviously hard work, so they make plenty of snacks for these Superb Owl parties. These delicious Superb Owl dishes include Torta alla chipe with Sandip, pizza with plenty of “pep” per Roni (who’s that? The delivery guy?), and entire pigs covered in blankets! How do they fit entire pigs under one blanket? That must be a lot of work!
Several creatures that can fly were at the event, so I guess it’s some sort of flying competition? Obviously, there must have been owls involved since it’s called the Superb Owl, right? I heard there were falcons there too, fellow birds of prey. Apparently the falcons were flying really well, really showing off their skills, until a group of patriots shot them down at the last minute. Obviously, the Superb Owl was fixed this year! And then even Lady Gaga got in on the flying action- pathetic! Like, why was she even there?
So I guess the Owls won, like they do every year since the contest is still called the Superb Owl after fifty-some-odd years, maybe sixty. Owls are great birds though; there’s a reason Harry and his friends like them so much. I mean, lots of my best friends are owls. I guess owls are worth watching every year after all! Maybe I’ll watch next year’s Superb Owl!
Moral of the Story: Always fact-check your news sources! Looking at you, Mr. President :)
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