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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Seven plus days alone in a small hotel room can be extremely boring. There are only so many tv shows and friends’ snap stories you can watch before you start having fomo and begin itching for freedom. As someone who is currently in quarantine, I have created a list of things to do to get me through these never-ending days! 

Read a Book – For Pleasure! 

Yes, this can be an awesome time to get ahead on your schoolwork; but, it is also important to take a break from school and do something fun for yourself. I absolutely love reading for pleasure, and I never make time for it at school. So, I highly recommend pretending you’re in a hotel room on vacation and reading that book you’ve been dying to pick up! 


In high school, I used to journal all the time. I loved using my journal to write down my favorite things that happened over the past few days and to map out things I was worried about and strategize how to move past them. With all of this alone time in quarantine, I have had PLENTY of time to think and overthink things, so I’m really grateful that I brought my journal with me! 

Do a Workout Video

With the sun shining in my hotel windows, I am itching to go on a run outside. So, instead of sulking by the window, I have been forcing myself to get up and turn on a workout video. Chloe Ting’s videos are TOUGH but rewarding at the end! 

Start Crafting

This might sound silly, but with all this free time on my hands, I decided to do something crafty! I brought pens and markers to color and decorate random things in my backpack and have found it super relaxing! 

Facetime Friends From Home 

Now that you’re in the box, you have no more “Sorry, can’t talk right now. I’m too busy studying” excuses to give your friends from home. So, facetime them whenever you’re bored just to catch up! Call those friends that you haven’t talked to in ages – trust me, it will make you feel so much better just to hear their voices! 

I know being in the q isn’t ideal, but you got it! Do some fun things from my list above to keep your spirits up – you’ll be out so soon! :) 

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Lindsey Reina

Notre Dame '23

My name is Lindsey Reina, and I am a sophomore at the University of Notre Dame! I am originally from Atlanta, GA, and I am studying Political Science and Latino studies. I am the biggest Taylor Swift fan around, love swimming competitively, and always look forward to baking with my fellow wildcats in Ryan Hall every week!