Whether it’s your first time on God Quad or your last year walking to DeBart, the Notre Dame spirit never changes. Your vocabulary, however, might. A lot happens between August and May, and you always emerge from your first year as a more seasoned, wiser undergrad. It can be easy to laugh at freshman naivety as an upperclassman, but don’t forget–we’ve all been there, and we can probably relate to these phrases on an admittedly personal level. For instance:
Freshman: “There are so many new people here!”
Upperclasman: “I’ve think been in class with and/or Facebook stalked 75% of the people in this dining hall.”
Freshman: “Talking to strangers in class is super fun!”
Upperclassman: “I don’t think I’ve made eye contact all day.”
Freshman: “My first dome photo! I’ll cherish it forever”
Upperclassman: “I took eight dome photos today #noshame.”
Freshman: “Sure I’ll buy your coffee, I have a ridiculous amount of Flex points.”
Upperclassman: “Buy your own coffee, I need every single flex point I have.”
Freshman: “When did everyone start wearing pastel shorts?”
Upperclassman: “When will everyone stop wearing pastel shorts?”
Freshman: *looks at sunny day outside* “I’ll wear a sundress!”
Upperclassman: *looks at sunny day outside* *puts umbrella in backpack*
Freshman: “I should add everyone from Welcome Weekend on Facebook.”
Upperclassman: “I should delete everyone from Frosh-O on Facebook.”
Freshman: “I’m so glad I signed up for all those clubs at activities night, I’m going to be so well-rounded.”
Upperclassman: “How can I remove myself from 12 listservs at once?”
Freshman: “Wow, I’m making so many friends at Domerfest!”
Upperclassman: “Wow, I can’t believe we met at Domerfest. But who is that other girl with us in this photo??”
Freshman: “This fro-yo machine could be dangerous; good thing I have incredible self control!”
Upperclassman: “I’d promise to give up desserts for Lent, but I don’t like to break promises.”
Freshman: “I’m going to finally start dressing cute.”
Upperclassman: “How many days can I wear these leggings before people start to notice?”
Freshman: “76% on a TEST? I’ve never felt so disgusted with myself.”
Upperclassman: “76% on my test? That’s waaay better than I expected. Let’s celebrate!”
Freshman: “I should probably buy all of my books early so I won’t worry about them later.“
Upperclassman: “I’m not about to buy another textbook that will never get used. I’ll take my chances with the pdf versions.”
Freshman: “I wish I had a car on campus so I could explore South Bend a little more.”
Upperclassmen: “Should we drive to Barbici’s or walk?” “Let’s just walk, the parking lot is just as far away as Eddy Street.”
Freshman: “OMG that celebrity’s relative goes here! I can’t wait to snipe a photo.”
Upperclassman: *sees reference to celebrity’s relative going to Notre Dame* “Oh yeah they go here.”
Freshman: “Is Club Fever close to Club Hes?”
Upperclassman:“If I don’t go to Hes now, I can’t go to Feve later.”
Freshman: “How does everyone know these football cheers already? Why are they shouting ‘Luck You Zahm’?”
Upperclassman: “Go Irish! Beat Owls!”
Freshman: “I need to get to class early so I seem studious.”
Upperclassman: “I need to get to class early so I can unofficially assign my seat.”
Freshman: “Let’s start at that dorm party and then see what happens”
Upperclassman: “…and if absolutely all else fails, we’ll go to that dorm party.”
Freshman: “I love it here.”
Upperclassman: “I love it here.”
Love thee, Notre Dame.
The HCND application is now open! For more information contact Rebecca Rogalski at rebeccarogalski@hercampus.comor Katrina Linden at katrinalinden@hercampus.com
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