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Thursday Nights As Told By Tyra

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Everyone knows that Thursday night is the best night of the week and that it isn’t really Thursday night without a trip to Michiana’s hottest night club, Feve. No one understands the bittersweet struggle of Club Fever better than the Queen of the Smize, Miss Tyra Banks.

Thursday rolls around and you’re sitting through classes waiting for the highlight of your week

You finally get back to your dorm, ready to #rage

When your “friend” says she doesn’t want to go out because she’s “tired,” you’re all            

But you finally convince her to come out                           

And start trying to decide what to wear

When you and your girls are done getting ready, you all look #feverlicious

So you start to pregame and jam to Blank Space

Got a long list of ex-lovers, and they’re all gonna be at feveee

But it’s getting late so you take that final shot

And your friend asks how many you’ve taken


So you head to main circle to get a cab like              

By the time you finally get to Michiana’s hottest nightclub the line is long and it’s freezing

After what feels like years, you finally make it to the front of the line


So you walk inside and give your coat to coat check     

Then make a beeline for the bar and try to get the bartender’s attention like

But you really look like

When you finally get your drink you look at the people still waiting like #peasants

Then you see the guy from your freshman year Theology class that you’re in love with and you try to say hi

That could have gone better

But you ~shake it off~ because you’re really feeling this music

When a middle aged townie with no teeth tries to hit on you and your friends

You head to basement bar and fall down the stairs, but no worries, you play it cool

And of course you decide it’s time for another tequila shot


And head to the cage

You know your dance moves are on point

But then you see your friend leaving with her asshole ex-boyfriend

And as the night comes to a close, you decide you NEED pizza so you head to Vesuvio’s

Nothing ever tasted so good <3           

The next thing you know you’re waking up on Friday morning like

And then you remember falling down the stairs

And you check your text messages

8 “wherrr r yuiuuuu??” texts to your hookup **throws phone out of loft**

You swear you’ll never go to feve again, but you know you’re lying to yourself

Because you only college once and #norahgrets

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Sara Spitt

Notre Dame

Meet HCND's current Campus Coordinator and Editor-in-Chief! Originally from outside of Chicago, Sara is a Senior Peace Studies, Theology, and Italian major at Notre Dame (yes, that is three majors; no, she doesn't have any free time). When she isn't painting her nails, Sara enjoys cooking vegetarian friendly dishes, taking pictures for The Dome yearbook, and reading for fun. Sara began writing for Her Campus Notre Dame in May of 2013 and quickly fell in love with the site and it's staff! After writing for the inagural editorial staff (shout-out to AnnaLee, Katie, and Lex!) for a semester, Sara decided to branch out and become an editor. She particularly enjoys doing interviews and sharing travel expereinces, as well as connecting with the HCND reader network through thought-provoking social commentaries. If you like what you read from her on a weekly basis, this self-proclaimed "Queen of Social Media" has several accounts for you to follow - twitter, instagram (@saraspit22), tumblr, and a blog!