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Treat Yo’self (And Everyone Else)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.


“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” – Dalai Lama

With finals week approaching (or already well under way), many of us are screeching in frustration. Why? Because choices abound, ones that exist year-round but are magnified during finals week. Do you lounge outside on the quad in not-so-subtle worship of the sun finally making an appearance, or do you hole yourself up in the library basement for eight hours coasting on an espresso-induced high? Do you hop in the car for an impromptu day trip to the nearby beach with friends, or do you round up classmates for an intense group study session?

If you’re anything like the students at Notre Dame, you’re probably leaning toward the latter in these cases. Don’t get me wrong—we enjoy ourselves like all other human beings, but we’re a studious bunch, and studious people tend to, well, study. A lot.

The thing is, our youthful, aspiring lot also really likes being nice. Everyone wants to be nice, but when weeks like these roll around, we get grumpy. We make the responsible decision to stay in studying worriedly, succumbing to all the stress and anguish that accompanies this ghastly week, and in turn we transform into caffeine-crazed bellyachers. Plus, studying is just not the same when your mom isn’t around to bring you a glass of water or rub your shoulders while you shrink away from understanding the logical labyrinth of quantum mechanics. We want to be nice, but this week it feels like we just can’t. What do you do?

1. Breathe. Everything will be okay. Let me repeat: it will be okay. Remind yourself of this. Remind others of this because it’s easy to forget. Before you chug that steaming coffee, inhale and enjoy its aroma. Unlike midterms in February, a light exists at the end of this tunnel, and boy is it near.

2. Treat yo’self. As the title of this article suggests, moments of joy are better when shared. We all know that person who has ninety Flex Points left—convince them to take you and your friends for a much-needed study break. If you’re that person, you know what to do. Everyone studies better with smoothies in their tummies. That’s just a fact.

3. Stretch those legs. I would venture to argue college campuses are among some of the most pedestrian-friendly real estate in the country. So walk around! It’s the ideal study break, really—grab some fellow weary eyes and your sunglasses (spring has arrived—thank the Lawd!) and stroll around campus for twenty minutes. You’ll soak up sunshine, boost your mood, and catch up with your friends all at once.

Being nice isn’t only about doing nice things for other people; it’s about creating a sense of well being for yourself that you can then pass onto others. During stressful times, the energy of a room is palpable—you can practically taste your comrades’ despair in the air. On that note, here’s another piece of wisdom from the Dalai Lama: “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.”

Practice this compassion from the inside out, everyone will benefit, and your last exam will be a thing of the past before you know it. 

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Sharon Rose

Notre Dame '14

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Katie Fusco

Notre Dame

A senior English and American Studies double major at the University of Notre Dame, Katie is passionate about media, education, and public history.