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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Hello from London! Since I’m studying abroad this semester, I felt ~obligated~ to make a London Top 5 List! My first month in the city has flown by but has also created a home away from home all at once, and I’m so excited to share my favorite places and experiences with HCND.


So, first up on the list isn’t exactly in London, but this quaint town is too adorable not to include. Notre Dame organized a trip to Stonehenge and the Roman Baths, but the proper town of Bath may be one of my favorite things all semester. Due to the Roman influence, this little town reminded me more of a day in Italy than in England.

Covent Garden

London is known for its various boroughs and markets, and Covent Garden reflects both in one place! I love the open, lively feel of this “garden” during the day. You will often find opera singers and flower baskets that give off Europe ~vibes~ wherever you turn!

West End

Calling all fellow theatre addicts! The West End district is just a short walk from Notre Dame’s London housing and has every show you could ever dream of, from Phantom of the Opera to Hamilton. The first show I saw on West End was Les Miserablés and it made me fall even more in love with this city.


Including Parliament in my list comes from a slightly biased place, as I am interning for a Member of Parliament in the House of Commons this semester. The Palace of Westminster comes with ornate tales of history dating back to the 11th century. It’s often difficult to wrap my head around the historic events that have happened in the exact place where I step foot every day, shaping the United Kingdom’s historical narrative for almost 1000 years. 

Trafalgar Square

Last, but certainly not least, is the home of Fischer Hall! On a sunny day, Trafalgar Square is one of the happiest places to take a stroll and listen to street performers while admiring sidewalk artists galore. The convenient location of Notre Dame’s academic center also makes a stop to the nearby National Gallery extremely convenient. There, you can find Van Gogh’s original Sunflower painting! 

As we begin traveling around Europe, I feel like I’m coming back home more and more at the end of every weekend. From the Eye to the Shard to St. Paul’s Cathedral, London is truly spectacular.

Grace Dean

Notre Dame '21

I am a sophomore at Notre Dame majoring in International Economics & minoring in the Hesburgh Program in Public Service. I currently serve as the Director of Health & Wellness within Student Government’s Executive Cabinet and am a proud member of Badin Hall. In my free time, I love spending time with friends & family, drinking coffee, and playing guitar. I am a Hoosier at heart (originally from Noblesville, Indiana) and love writing for Her Campus!