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Ways to Handle the Moments That You “Just Can’t Even” With School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Take a Deep Breath

Seriously. Take one deep breath. Take a second. Now take a third. You need to take a minute to sit down, process things. Your brain does not function when you’re so overwhelmed. Learn meditation techniques or even download an app if you don’t know how! It will really help you to get into a mental state where you can focus.

Treat Yo’self

Do something kind for yourself! After a hard week filled with a large amount of work, you will need to decompress. You would probably help your friend out somehow if they were extremely stressed, why not treat yourself the same? Buy yourself a Starbucks, watch a Netflix episode, even have a dance party on your own!

Take a Nap

Most likely, if you are extremely stressed, then you are most likely not getting enough sleep. Take a power nap, even just twenty minutes can help. I know sometimes that seems impossible, but it will better help your brain synthesize information. Sleep sleep sleep! 

Call Someone

Call someone and cry, laugh, scream, or talk about things that do not matter. If you are stuck on homework or a project, you can get a creative new way of looking at things that you would not have previously thought of. Either way, calling home and connecting with someone is a great way of taking a break and working on a relationship with someone who cares about you.

Pay It Forward

If you are feeling stressed, chances are, someone else on this campus is also stressed. Go to Starbucks and use some of your Flex Points to buy coffee for the person behind you! Pick up some litter around your dorm so that it looks a bit nicer! Make someone else smile during this stressful time. 


You will feel good about yourself, you will get air into your lungs, and you will burn off your nerves! Exercise is an amazing way of de-stressing.

Hope you start feeling less-stressed, lovely reader! The semester is almost over!

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