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Who’s that guy? The “Science” behind the Glasses Attraction.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Recently I ended up on vacation with a guy my age I’d never met before. Hello summer romance! I was prepared for my own personal Nicholas Sparks novel. That is until I met him, and lets just say I don’t think dear old Nick would be casting him in one of his movies any time soon (I was hoping for Liam Hemsworth). But then we all went to dinner Sunday night.

As I approached the group of people I was on vacation with, he turned around and all the sudden the scene played out like the Miley Cyrus hair flip a la Hannah Montana Movie trailer. All of a sudden this dude was seriously CUTE. As my eyes processed taking in this sudden attractiveness, my mind started searching for the reason. Was it the sun setting over a stunning South Carolinian marsh behind him? Was it the slight browning of his previously pale, and probably Irish, skin? Was it the smoothness of his clean-shaven face? But, then my eyes settled on his and my mind found it. Glasses… crap.

I’m sure you’ve all experienced what I’m talking about here. There’s just something about glasses that raise a guy’s attractiveness level by about the prescription on his frames. You’re sitting in SDH minding your own business and some guy walks in eyes covered by some glass and plastic and all the sudden you forget that froyo you’ve been craving all week. Or you’re just nailing a class and then all the sudden some guy in the 3rd row shows up in glasses and you kiss that insane focus and A goodbye. Thanks guys, seriously thanks. Now I’m hungry and not getting a 4.0 and its all two square pieces of glasses fault.

But here’s the question. Why? Why is it all the sudden the exact thing everyone got made fun of for in elementary school now drives us wild? Well me and my self-imposed expertise on the subject have some ideas.

  1. Glasses = Sensitive. For some reason society convinces us that all the coffee drinking, poetry loving, smooth jazz listening males rock a pair of sweet glasses. So every time we see a new guy we can’t help but label him as “deep.” He’s going to get us. He’ll understand and be sympathetic to our troubles. He’s Ryan Gosling “hey girling” our troubles away from behind those black hipster frames.
  2. Glasses = Elusive. What exactly is going on behind those frames? We’re just dying to know. That tinted glass is like a disguise for your soul that as girls we just have to unravel. I mean Clark Kent and Peter Parker were hiding super human powers behind their frames, so it’s got to be something good right?
  3. Glasses = Intelligent. This ones obvious, but there’s nothing glasses do better than up the intelligence factor on anyone who’s wearing them. He’s probably incredibly well read, spends his nights having intriguing conversations instead of drunkenly slobbering around some party, and is going to cure cancer in the future. You start thinking you could REALLY use a tutor…

In addition to these reason’s I have to admit that there’s just something about the distinct times a guy wears glasses and those tired eyes he’s usually shielding underneath that can’t stop me from imaging that’s probably pretty close to how he’d look waking up next to in the morning…


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Anne Wooding

Notre Dame

Is a junior at the University of Notre Dame pursuing a degree in Accountancy. She's fluent in sarcasm, mumbling, and sometimes Spanish. When she's not playing club lacrosse, jealously planning trips for others at her job at Anthony Travel, or reading, you can most likely find her somewhere eating copious amounts of peanut butter.
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Katie Fusco

Notre Dame

A senior English and American Studies double major at the University of Notre Dame, Katie is passionate about media, education, and public history.