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Winter Is Coming: 5 Tips to Keep Your Hair Healthy This Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Come winter, we all focus on ways to keep our skin healthy, but we often neglect another vital part of our appearance: our hair. Our hair suffers just as much as our skin does during the winter, but it doesn’t have to! Here are a few easy ways to take control of your mane this winter:

Shampoo Less Often

Look, I know this sounds gross, but skipping a few washes never hurt anybody and it can actually save your hair. If you are someone whose hair is naturally oily, washing a little less will often help your hair retain some of the moisture that the cold winter air seeks to strip. This is especially important here in South Bend due to the composition of our winter. The “hard” water makes it difficult for all of the soap to be completely removed from your hair, leaving a buildup of residue.

Apply Oil Treatments

If you are someone with textured hair like me, the winter can be an especially rough time for hair that struggles to retain moisture even in the summer months. A good oil treatment can help your hair replenish some of the moisture it has already lost. There are a variety of these treatments varying in price and effort. My personal go-to is nature’s cure -all: coconut oil. A few hours before I plan to wash my hair, I put a generous amount of coconut oil on my scalp and then spread just a little bit throughout the rest of my hair. I wrap my head in a towel until it’s time for me to take a shower where I wash my hair as normal. The extra moisture leaves my hair looking revived and healthy.


I’m from the South and I didn’t even really know this was a thing until I came here, but oh boy it is. Deep into winter, anything that is liquid will freeze and there are many things you will not realise are liquids until they do: mascara, tears, foundation and yes, wet hair. There is no more unnerving sound than the crunching of your frozen hair in your hands. If you are lucky enough to avoid any breakage, you will most likely be left with dry, damaged hair and a flaky scalp. Avoid this by washing your hair at night, and if you forget or are busy, put on a hat. It’s cold so no one will know the difference.

Avoid Excess Heat

This is something that applies to all times of year but we tend to do more in the winter. Opt for low maintenance styles and only apply heat to your hair when absolutely necessary. Winter is dry and damaging enough, it doesn’t need you and a flat iron to help destroy your hair.

Scissors Are Your Friend

Unless you are some sort of hair magician or you live somewhere without winter, split ends will happen. Regular trims will keep them from migrating up the shaft and damaging the whole follicle. Trust me, I hate getting my hair trimmed just as much as the next girl seeking long majestic locks, but small winter trims will lead to healthy summer hair.

Hopefully these tricks will keep your hair’s hot girl summer glow going all winter long.

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