It often becomes easy to get caught up in a mass of homework but it is also important to maintain balance in university life. So, why not take some time out this weekend to explore a little more of the city, go somewhere new or try something different?
Ice Hockey
Attending ice-hockey matches has quickly become a new favourite hobby of mine. They’re so much fun and full of action and you can pick up student-priced tickets from the Motorpoint Arena Nottingham. “Let’s go Panthers!”.
Pamper day
Taking time out to look after yourself is essential. Why not treat yourself to a pamper day? There are currently offers on at Beautification in the city centre. It’s surprising how much happier you’ll feel tapping away at your assignments when you have pretty nails– the little things in life!
Pay a visit to Wollaton Hall
The oh-so-famous Wollaton Hall. I’m ashamed to say that I still haven’t paid a visit to this beautiful place, so guess what I’ll be doing this weekend! There truly is nothing more refreshing than a bit of greenery and fresh Spring air.
Café Hopping
There are some amazing independent coffee shops here in Nottingham. Wired, 200 Degrees and Cartwheel are just a few of my personal favourites. What better way to get to know the city than going on a Café Hopping crawl?
Edited by: Tia Ralhan