This time of year can be extremely stressful, with coursework deadlines getting closer and exams looming. So, these are some activities that you can do to take a break from studying or just some ideas to fill-in your free time.
Obviously, not everything we do needs to cost money, in fact, it’s often easier and nicer to just chill out and have a catch-up with friends at home. So baring this is mind, there are a lot things to do for free (or relatively cheaply!) – and spontaneously too.
1. Film night
This is nothing new, but sometimes watching a new film or one you’ve watched ten times before is one of the easiest ways to relax. This can be done alone or made into a group thing, with some food and hot chocolate.
2. Reading
This is maybe something that you can do to unwind before bed, or to take a break for an hour. Personally, I feel like I never read anymore and sometimes it’s the last thing I want to do, but it’s all about finding the right book.
3. Cooking with housemates
If you live in a house where everyone, or a just a few people, like to cook, then this is a really easy way to spend some time together. Alternatively, just get a takeaway and skip the washing up.
However, sometimes you just need to get out of the house and do something a bit different. Whilst there are the obvious things like shopping, going out for food, or to the cinema, the next three things could make you want to try something new.
4. Escape room
These are popping up everywhere now and seem to be really fun. With different rooms available, you can go to the same place more than once without it getting boring. Plus, this is something a bit different to what you would normally do with friends. Whilst this may not be something that you’ll do on a weekly basis, it could be interesting to try. There are few different places in Nottingham, such as Escapologic and Logiclock.
5. Mini golf
Probably not a new activity for you to try, but again, not something you do all the time and are bored of. Whilst Nottingham does lack some of the more interesting golf places that you can see in other cities, it does have Lost City Adventure Golf.
6. Pottery painting
Ok, this may not be for everyone, but this seems like something that would be quite relaxing and at the end you get something to take home. This is also something that seems to be growing in popularity at the moment, with Pot ‘n’ Kettle in Beeston being quite popular; they even offer 10% student discount on Sundays!
Hopefully, this list has given you some ideas for those days when you’re not quite sure what to do. Whilst the free options are a bit easier to do last minute, maybe it’s worth doing something new.