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Advice From Friends To My Fresher Self

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Nottingham chapter.

It’s coming to the end of the first term and of 2017, signalling a time of reflection on our best and worst times of the academic year so far. And what better way to review the year than to hark back to the epitome of the ‘best and the worst’ of university life: freshers. I took the liberty to expose a couple of the best regrets students had of freshers, which will hopefully advise you to make the most out of your years at the University of Nottingham.


Aleesha: “I wish I knew I didn’t have to queue at 9pm for Crisis in first year. Now I use Crisis’ Snapchat to see how long the queue is and then leave when it’s shorter – saves me and my friends from downing vodka at 8pm.”

Sabrina: “Be single for freshers – it’ll give you freedom to do whatever you want and go with the flow.”

Beth: “Stay away from dangerous taxi drivers – if the driver seems aggressive just get out of the cab there and then.”

Barbra: “Don’t forget to use your £1 Domino’s vouchers in freshers & refereshers week!”

Lauren: “Go to all the freshers and all non-fresher’s events! Go to Trent University’s events too if you can, their SU is a really good night out.”

Ayesha: “Don’t be afraid of going to Ocean and dressing up for it – just don’t lose your top there.”

Em: “Jewellery is a massive liability on a night out – hoop earrings, rings, bracelets… just leave them at home.”

Tasha: “I wish I knew about Nottingham’s status as Shottingham. I had heard about it before I came to Nottingham, but didn’t realise that it was referencing Nottingham’s crime rates (as opposed to it’s status as a university that encouraged downing shots). It’s not bad enough to deserve the name and I’ve never personally been affected by crime, but you do hear a lot of stories about houses being broken into.”

Isabelle: “A lot of artists come to Nottingham to perform, especially in Rock City – I wish I had known this sooner because I definitely would’ve booked tickets to see a concert right at my doorstep! The music scene in Nottingham is so lively – it’s a great environment for new bands to create a platform for themselves.” (Head over to our music reviewer Charlotte to get some awesome reviews of artists in Nottingham!)

Priya: “Close the door when you bring back a one-night stand – you don’t know what your first year flatmates can be like…”

Michelle: “As a rule – don’t make out with guys who have moustaches or guys with dyed hair. Your friends will have evidence of it and will never let you forget.”

Charis: “There are so many unique bars around Nottingham and there’s so little time to visit all of them! Hockley Arts Club, Das Kino, and Another? Wine Bar are just a few that I wish I went to before a night out. Lots of bars and restaurants around town have Happy Hour which is great before a night out.”


Priscilla: “Think of hangover food before the night out. Be it leftover pizza, instant noodles, or cold McDonalds. Just make sure you have it next to your bed when you wake up.”

Edited By Niamh Perry










Student at the University of Nottingham studying English and French. Spending a year in France doing sport, sailing and marketing.